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这匹马正在溜蹄行走。The horse is walking at an amble.

“当然可以,”我笑起来,减下步伐,慢慢地走。"Sure. " I laugh, slowing to an easy amble.

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接着我们像往常一样到街上蹓鞑。Then we went on our usual amble up the block.

上班族,居家者,学生在这里漫步走过。Office workers, families and schoolchildren amble past.

而在这个阶段,必须具有可操作性吴荣泉缓行。And at this stage, should be operational Rongquan amble.

不管是溜达、漫步、逛逛,还是大步走,步行都有好处。Whether you stroll, saunter, amble or stride, walking is good for you.

然后漫步到剧院,放什么就看什么。Then amble over to the theater and enjoy whatever movie is next playing.

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利基是一只幼仔,但是已经大到可以独自在树林中自由攀爬。Leakey is an infant, but old enough to amble through the canopy on his own.

从你被天蓬遮盖的床边缓慢走向你专属的私人泳池或者顺着阶梯直接通向大海。Amble from your canopied bed to your own private pool or descend a ladder directly to the sea.

他们悠閒地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。They amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded patios tucked behind walls of Bougainvillea.

他们悠闲地走过露天餐馆、穿过阴凉的天井,旁边的墙上密密麻麻地长满了九重葛。They amble past open-air restaurants, across shaded patios tucked behind walls of Bougainvillea.

比如,南京大学的学生基础雄厚,在他们走路时也在埋头苦读。At Nanjing University, for example, students amble past, their noses buried in books as they walk.

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事实证明这是一种非常有利可图的组合,人们有闲暇在街上溜达。It has proved a lucrative mix, and people can afford to amble along the streets with time to spare.

这些传统在公司得以延续,工作人员穿着牛仔裤和非正式的衬衣在公司漫步。These traditions continue at the company where workers amble about the offices in jeans and casual shirts.

这一雄心勃勃的项目定能创造出令世人惊叹的成就。To make it ever more special, we can build a special walkway that will allow people to amble amid the trees.

驴或骡子拖着车子沿着马路慢行着,此时高管们在他们闪亮的奥迪车中等着其通过。Mules or donkeys amble along the streets hauling carts as executives in their flashy Audi cars wait for them to pass by.

他们漫步于芝加哥的一个又一个街区——在这儿逗留一会儿,开车去那儿逛一会儿——他们也沿着记忆中的小巷漫步。As they amble through one Chicago neighborhood after another — pausing here, driving there — they also meander down their memory lanes.

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英国人生下地便朝魔鬼那儿跑,可是等到年纪大了,他们几乎总是换骑徐辔缓行地朝尊荣走去。Englishmen start galloping to the devil, but as they grow older, they nearly always change horse and amble along gently to respectability.

结束了没有蚊虫叮咬的愉快的热带雨林之旅,游客们缓步来到了隔壁的微型的海洋边上,观察和倾听海浪轻柔的碰击。Once finished with the pleasantly mosquito-free rain forest, visitors amble next door to see and hear the softly crashing waves of the tiny ocean.

走得顺畅了,体会多了,才能更深入了解行功的特点和功效。Once you have amble experiences and can walk smoothly, then you can go deeper into understanding the characteristic and benefits of Walking Qigong.