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她递给我一顶帽子。She handed me a hat.

每个人都交了吧Everyone handed them in?

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他把小刀递给了阿列科。He handed Aleko a knife.

他拿着她的杯子。He handed her her glass.

我把他搀上了他的车。I handed him into his car.

帕特丽夏递给她一只盒子。Patricia handed her a box.

我把辞职书交上去了。I handed in my resignation.

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她把时刻表递给了我。She handed me the time-table.

爸爸把听筒递给我。Dad handed the receiver to me.

信已交给他了。I've handed the letter to him.

她递给了他一碗汤。She handed him a bowl of soup.

那人把水桶交还给她。The man handed her the bucket.

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是谁交的这么短的作文?Who handed in so short article?

艾博把蕾切尔的档案递给了我。Abnesti handed me Rachel's file.

我把一个保证没有白痴的队伍交给你。I handed you an idiot-proof team.

我把一个保证没有白痴的队伍交给奶。I handed you an idiot-proof team.

那我们再说一下那个数字游戏吧So we handed out again that game.

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之后,我提交了我的辞呈。Then, I handed in my resignation.

他们把白化鳐鱼送到水族馆。They handed it in to an aquarium.

说完,他就递给我一张支票。With which he handed me a cheque.