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应对难缠患者,药物治疗是不够的。There is more to managing difficult patients than relying on pharmacotherapy.

药物疗法的目的是改善病情,防止并发症。The goal of pharmacotherapy is to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications.

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探讨窦性心动过缓简便的药物治疗方法。Objective To explore the simple and convenient pharmacotherapy for sinus bradycardia.

而且近年来,新的组合药物疗法的副作用也越来越小。Moreover recent years, new combination pharmacotherapy side effect also getting smaller.

结论针药结合治疗痤疮是一种有效的方法。CONCLUSION Acupuncture and pharmacotherapy used in combination is effective in the treatment of acne.

自身免疫性内耳病以药物治疗为主,主要药物为糖皮质激素。The main therapy for autoimmune inner ear disease is pharmacotherapy and the main drug is glucocorticoid.

药师们为优化患者治疗和其它基于证据的从业者提供支持。Promoting pharmacotherapy that optimizes patient outcomes and develops evidenced-based practitioners in Asia.

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目的探讨个体健康教育在抑郁症药物治疗中的效果。Objective To investigate the effects of individual health education as adjuvant to pharmacotherapy for depression.

对过敏性疾病和哮喘进行药物治疗能在一定程度控制症状,但停药后症状会复发。Pharmacotherapy for allergic diseases and asthma is effective in controlling symptoms but on discontinuation of medication, symptoms reoccur.

通过药物疗法来戒烟是最物有所值的医疗保健干预措施,应当鼓励所有烟草依赖者进行药物干预戒烟。Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation is one of the most cost-effective healthcare interventions and should be offered to all dependent smokers.

本文报告一位13岁青少女拔毛症患者接受药物治疗及家族治疗的过程。We report a case of a 13-year-old female adolescent with trichotillomania and her treatment process of combined pharmacotherapy and family therapy.

方法采用自血光量子疗法加常规药物综合治疗突发性工聋42例。Methods Autotransfusion of ultraviolet-irradiated blood therapy was adopted to treat 42 cases of the sudden deafness added conventional pharmacotherapy.

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病人在一次经历了扰人的伴有强迫性行为的强迫观念的复发,但是病人拒绝恢复药物治疗直至分娩。The patient again experienced the relapse of intrusive obsessional thoughts followed by compulsions , but refused to resume pharmacotherapy until delivery.

结论腹腔镜手术联合术后药物治疗子宫内膜异位症,具有复发率低、受孕率高的优点,治疗效果可靠。Conclusions Laparoscopic operation combined with pharmacotherapy for endometriosis is effective and reliable with low recurrent rate and high pregnant rate.

保守治疗是目前异位妊娠的治疗趋势,保守治疗包括保守性手术、药物治疗及期待治疗。And now conservative treatment is the tendency for treating the ectopic pregnancy. It includes conservative operation, pharmacotherapy and anticipating treatment.

在过渡周后,73名仍然在缓和期中的患者随机分配接受药物治疗和下一六个月的维持ECT治疗。At the end of the interim week, 73 patients who were still in remission were randomized to receive either pharmacotherapy or maintenance ECT for the next six months.

结论接受功能性鼻窦内视镜手术的过敏患者若有适当的术后控制过敏,与非过敏者短期预后相当。The short-term outcome of FESS was similar in allergic and non-allergic CRS patients when allergic patients received adequate pharmacotherapy to control allergy symptoms.

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妊娠期孕妇有着特殊的生理和药代动力学变化,妊娠期心律失常药物治疗有其特殊性和重要性,故临床用药应顾及胎儿安全。There are some particularity and importance for antiarrhythmic pharmacotherapy in pregnancy. More attention should be paid to safety of fetus in clinical pharmacotherapy.

该概念来自对药物疗法的研究并且形成循证医学最初的基础。The concept arose from research into pharmacotherapy and formed the initial basis for evidence-based practice and clinical guidelines, now incorporated into Translational Medicine.

根据细胞色素P450和药物的生物转化来选择合适的药物及合适的剂量将有助于最大程度地提高药物治疗效应,同时减少药物不良反应和毒副作用。Choosing the suitable drugs and dosages according to cytochrome P450 and drug metabolism would improve the pharmacotherapy efficacy and reduce the adverse drug reaction and toxic effect of drugs.