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前轮驱动。Front wheel drive.

轮子安正了吗?。Is the wheel true ?

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他手握着方向盘。He held to the wheel.

我的舵轮陷入了黑暗!My wheel is in the dark!

我来看一看盘轮。I'll check the disk wheel.

是否有轮椅专座呢?Is there wheel chair seat?

双斜边一号砂轮。Double bevel edge wheel No.

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现在有相同的车轮。Now we have the same wheel.

那是个偏心轮。That is an eccentric wheel.

轮子在轨道上转动。The wheel plays in a track.

那轮子现在转动得很灵活。The wheel turns freely now.

轮子转得太慢。The wheel turns too slowly.

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被称为“大转盘”。It was called the Big Wheel.

咱们把垃圾推出去吧。Let's wheel the rubbish out.

把车胎从车轮上拆下来。Take the tyre off the wheel.

限量版名车---车轮上的艺术,唯你独尊!Limited art of wheel for you!

她用纺车纺纱。She span on a spinning wheel.

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将扰流板安装在后轮上。Install spoiler on rear wheel.

森菲尔轮毂轴承的问题。Sunfire wheel bearing problem.

轮子转了一个大圈。The wheel is come full circle.