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我愿意为此发动热核战争。I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.

核聚变是一种热核反应。A nuclear fusion is a thermonuclear reaction.

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对此,我不惜发动核战争。I’m willing to go to thermonuclear war on this.

星球内的热核火焰可同样以这两种方式传播。Thermonuclear flames can spread in the same two ways.

幸运的是这些热核武器都没有爆发。Fortunately, none of the thermonuclear weapons detonated.

原来老的热核反应机制只是它的一个特例。The old thermonuclear mechanism is a special example of it.

太阳的热核反应给人类以能量。The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body.

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氢弹,或称热核炸弹,的工作原理几乎与原子弹完全相反。Hydrogen, or thermonuclear bombs, work in almost the opposite way to atomic bombs.

可能吓得让日本去发展热核武器。很快的。It might even frighten Japan intodeveloping thermonuclear weapons. It won't take them long.

它可以携带最多为50千吨爆发力单一热核弹头。It could carry a single thermonuclear warhead with a maximum explosive force of 50 kilotons.

这些爆炸中包括热核,中子弹,和1990年5月26日秘密为巴基斯坦爆炸的原子弹。They included thermonuclear blasts, neutron bombs and an atomic bomb covertly tested for Pakistan on May 26, 1990.

值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是热核反应。It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear.

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它们可能曾经几乎完全是由氢元素构成的,氢元素是热核融合的主要原料,正是这种反应让星星放出光芒。They would have been almost pure hydrogen -- the primary ingredient of thermonuclear fusion, which makes a star shine.

之前,我受雇于哈里斯公司,从事热和能量、激光柱折射、氢分子、重水计算机数据等相关研发工作。We did work in thermonuclear energy, laser beam refraction, hydrogen molecule development, and heavy-water computer data.

如果我们不能适应一个已经包含了宇宙飞船、电脑和热核武器的环境,我们也会灭绝。We shall disappear if we cannot adapt to an environment that now contains spaceships, computers-and thermonuclear weapons.

这将有助于研究人员挑选出最适合热核反应堆的建筑材料,因为热核反应堆与高温等离子体会发生接触。It will help to choose optimal construction materials for elements of the thermonuclear reactor that contacts with hot plasma.

聚变核弹也被称为热核武器和氢弹,其破坏力大大超过了裂变核弹。The destructive power of fusion bombs, also known as thermonuclear devices and hydrogen bombs, vastly exceeds that of fission bombs.

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一个星际的任务真正的圣杯将是我们在热核能利用能力上的突破--就是核聚变。The real Holy Grail for an interstellar mission will be breakthroughs in our ability to harness thermonuclear energy -- namely fusion.

1962年7月9日,美国军方研究人员在太平洋中一座名为「强斯顿岛」的珊瑚环礁上将热核武器发射到外太空。On July 9, 1962, U. S. military researchers on a tiny Pacific atoll called Johnston Island fired a thermonuclear weapon into outer space.

气体动态捕捉器有助于检测与热核等离子体在大场强、开放式磁场中滞留相关的重要物理问题。The gasodynamic trap helps to examine important physical problems related to retention of thermonuclear plasma in long open magnetic systems.