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星期天,她打扫房间和洗熨衣服。She does cleaning and laundering on Sundays.

其中九人还被控洗钱罪。Nine of them are also charged with money laundering.

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其中的一些人还被指控犯有洗钱罪。Some of them were also charged with money laundering.

这家餐馆仅仅是洗钱的掩护所。This restaurant is just a front for money laundering.

玛莉有许多棉织衣服因经多次洗烫而褪色。Many of Mary's cotton dresses faded from many laundering.

他是个专做白领偷渡的蛇头,他也犯有洗钱罪。He is a white collar coyote. He also did money laundering.

加大对洗钱行为的预防、监控和打击力度。Moreover, anti-money laundering should also be strengthed.

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我们必须严厉打击海外避税港和洗钱活动。We must crack down on offshore tax havens and money laundering.

拉扎连科目前在美国因洗钱罪服刑。Lazarenko is currently serving in the U. S. for money laundering.

本文第一章是反洗钱概述。Chapter I of this article is outlined in the Anti-Money Laundering.

他们认为合法市场使得非法象牙交易更加容易。They say a legal market facilitates the laundering of illegal ivory.

只有贩毒、军火走私和洗钱比它更有利可图。Only drug dealing, gunrunning, and money laundering are more profitable.

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陈和他的同案被告还被控犯有洗钱的非法收入。Chen and his co-defendants are also accused of laundering illegal income.

我们不要跟贩毒品的人进行的洗钱活动有任何关系。We don't want anything to do with laundering dirty money with drug dealers.

纺织品。纺织纤维易燃性试验前家庭洗涤方法Textiles。Domestic laundering procedures for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing.

麦道夫在三月份对包括欺诈、偷窃和洗钱在内的的11项指控进行了认罪。Madoff pleaded guilty in March to 11 counts of fraud, theft and money laundering.

例如,中国用那些反洗钱监测条款管理着人民币汇款业务?For instance, what rules govern anti-money laundering surveillance on yuan transfers?

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我们将继续致力于APEC打击洗钱及恐怖分子筹资的活动。We remain committed to APEC's work to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

第三章介绍了中国反洗钱立法的现状。Chapter III, this chapter on China's anti-money laundering legislation, the status quo.

洗钱是一种具有严重社会危害性的复杂的高智商犯罪。Money Laundering is a complex high-intelligent crime, which is of severe danger to society.