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欢迎来到寒舍。Welcome to my humble home.

欢迎来到我的陋室。Welcome to my humble abode.

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不敢当,你太过奖了。You're being overly humble.

我来说一下我的浅见吧。Let me give my humble option.

我来颁发一下我的浅见。Let me give my humble opinion.

鄙人也做了同样的事。In a humble way, I do the same.

但是他的出身却是微贱的。Yet his beginnings were humble.

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因此,采用更谦逊的做法。So adopt a more humble approach.

林家人住在简陋的房子里。The Lins live in a humble house.

这是一项长期而卑下的任务。It is a long and humble business.

她出生卑贱。She was born of humble parentage.

但是,他却称赞那些贫穷和谦卑的人。But he exalts the poor and humble.

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非常欢迎您光临寒舍。You are welcome to my humble home.

卑微到尘埃中,然后开出花来。Humble to the dust, and then bloom.

请接受我卑微的顶拜。Please accept my humble obeisances.

今天刚谦虚地让我们的上帝。Today let us just be humble to god.

就请你粗茶淡饭凑合一顿。All we can offer you is humble fare.

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请确保你的说话方式和善而谦恭。Be kind and humble in your approach.

我觉得我在被高高在上的葡萄嘲笑!I feel that I'm humble as a servent!

我和你合穿一条战裙。I'll share with you my humble skirt.