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你的车用柴油还是汽油?Fährt dein Auto mit Diesel oder Benzin?

为了生活。我们要来玩这场游戏。In oder to live. We have to play the game.

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您要20欧元还是30欧元的电话卡?Eine Telefonkarte zu 20 Euro oder zu 30 Euro?

这是一种没有味道和颜色的气体。It's all due to gas that has no color and no oder.

理解自我以便更好理解他人。Understand your self in oder to better understand others.

顺序控制在工业控制中被广泛应用。The oder controller is widely applied in industry controller.

用得到成功你必须放弃的东西去评价你的成功。Judge your success by what you had to give up in oder to get it.

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即使问题发生在西雅图或者京都,我们都可以在科堡在线的排除这些问题。Störungen in Seattle oder Kyoto können wir so von Coburg aus online beheben.

为了验证仆人的忠实,她把一个装钱的包放在桌子上。In oder to prove the servant's honesty she left a bag containing money on the table.

为达到全局优化的目的,采用改进遗传算法进行优化。In oder to realize all-sided optimization, a improved genetic arithmetic be adopted.

一个花园地侏坐在上方,洪水来自波兰边界附近的奥得河。A garden gnome sits just above flood waters from the Oder river near the Polish border.

月亮照在奥得河淹没于2010年5月27日旁边的一间屋在科斯琴,波兰。The moon shines over the flooded river Oder next to a single house on May 27, 2010 in Kostrzyn, Poland.

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东欧奥德河以东区域,其正常的生活受到重创。From far away, the region east of the Oder River blends into a single space of collapsing living standards.

或是当在曲棍球比赛中中国女队淘汰了来自德国的卫冕冠军时。Oder beim Hockey, als die chinesischen Frauen den Titelverteidiger aus Deutschland im Halbfinale besiegten.

东部的日耳曼各部落定居在奥得河以东地区,但是他们的语言早就消失了。The East Germanic tribes settled east of the Oder River, but their languages have long since become extinct.

我们的保留期只有3天,买家必须在3天内汇款不然我们将会取消买家的保留把货品售出。We only reserve for 3 days for your oder. Customer must pay up with in 3 days, if not the order will be cancel.

由于其地理位置在订单的河流和众多的桥梁、弗罗茨瓦夫常被称为欧洲的第二大威尼斯。Thanks to its location on the Oder River and numerous bridges, Wroclaw is often called the second European Venice.

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给出了基于空间谱配置方法的一阶和二阶精度的全离散格式,得到了稳定性和误差估计。We give full discrete scheme of the first and second oder of this equation, and get the stability and error estimate.

针对解算中存在的问题,提出了最短路径法寻找整数变量线性规划问题的最优解。In oder to find the optimal solution, the algorithm of the shortest path is given for linear integer programming problems.

负熵是表示通过协调控制,改变系统混乱无序状态,而实现系统有序。Minus entropy means through coordination and control to change the confusion state of system, so that achieving oder of system.