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姜秀兰暗中跟踪铁山。Jiang Xiulan tailing iron mountain.

部队行进中发现谢孝彰尾随在后。Troops marched XieXiaoZhang tailing found in behind.

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我国尾矿库安全状况令人担忧。The safety situation of tailing pond in China is alarming.

吊耳设计分顶部吊耳设计和尾部吊耳设计。Lifting lug include lifting lug design and tailing lug design.

贮灰场或尾矿坝是属于专门水工建筑物。Ash disposal area or tailing dam is special hydraulic structure.

这个地下工作者把盯梢的特务甩掉了。The underground worker threw off the spy who had been tailing him.

并结合实例介绍了拖尾峰的处理等应用体会。The experience of peak tailing treatment is described with examples.

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他尽可能快步上前,跟着她朝后院走去。He walks as fast as he can, tailing her as she heads to the backyard.

尾矿可作为土法冶炼氧化锌的原料。The tailing may be used as raw material to smelt zinc oxide by indigenous methods.

尾矿库坝坡无土植被护坡在国内是一项新兴的技术。The landless vegetation slope protection of tailing dams is a new technology in our country.

赤泥是铝土矿提炼氧化铝过程中产生的废弃物。The red mud is the tailing produced during the process when separating alumina from bauxite.

利用黄金尾砂和生石灰,采用蒸压养护工艺,可生产出高质量的砌筑砖。The gold tailing can be used to produce high quality brick by steam pressure curing technology.

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尾砂用于矿山充填,料浆配合比参数的确定是关键。The determination of cement- tailings ratio is the key when tailing is used for mine backfilling.

本论文的研究结果表明,利用川南硫铁尾矿高岭土制备彩色矿渣微晶玻璃是可行的。The study indicates that utilizing pyrite tailing kaolin in glass-ceramic production is feasible.

但在我的记忆中,萤火虫该是在夏日夜幕中拖曳着鲜明璀璨得多的流光。As I remember, however, the firefly should be tailing flash that was much brighter in a summer night.

尤其是,在残留的硅烷醇存在下,峰的拖尾可能会发生。Tailing of peaks particularly of basic substances can occur when residual silanol groups are present.

其难度在于细粒级尾砂的沉降速度慢和脱水困难。The Stumbling blocks are the low settling rate and difficult dewatering of fine-grained mill tailing.

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坝体稳定性计算是尾矿库安全评价中的一项重要内容。The computation of the dam body stability is an important content in a tailing pond safety assessment.

防撞器蜂鸣器无线电信标发射机,隐藏在车辆内侧或外侧,用于无线嵌入设备。Bumper Beeper Radio beacon transmitter, hidden in or on a vehicle for use with radio tailing equipment.

尾泥可用作生产新型干法水泥及耐火材料的原料。Tailing slurry can be used as raw materials for dry process cement production and fireproofing materials.