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日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星。Japan has Sony. Mexico has Corona.


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像派拉蒙影业公司、环球或者索尼。like Paramount or Universal or Sony.

所以这回索尼决定做到极限。So this time Sony took it to the max.

高保,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索。Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony.

高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony.

我记得我在九零年代买过一个索尼的MP3播放器。I remember buying a Sony MP3 in the 1990s.

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索尼Vaio是众所周知的笔记本品牌。Sony Vaio is a well known brand of laptops.

这是索尼公司投拍的第一部印度语电影。This is the first Sony Toupai Hindi movies.

任天堂和索尼,这是对你们的一个召唤。Nintendo and Sony. This is a call out to you.

相比之下,索尼共有57家电子厂。By comparison, Sony has 57 electronics factories.

相比之下,索尼的液晶电视可持续工作两倍之久。By contrast, a Sony LCD TV lasts twice that long.

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目前,索尼公司已经出售的“玩家2”超过1亿5千万台。To date, Sony has sold more than 150 million PS2s.

亚马逊拥有九万多种书籍,比索尼书店高出三倍。Amazon has 90, 000 books, three times more than Sony.

索尼公司在10年之内销售了五千万台沃克曼。In ten years Sony sold 50 million units of the device.

要知道,基本上说,索尼创造了今天的一切。You know, basically all of the stuff Sony makes today.

游戏加载起来比在索尼公司的PlayStation2上面要快速。Games load faster than they do on the Sony PlayStation2.

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索尼宣布在日本停售磁带随身听。Sony stops selling tape Walkman in Japan after 30 years.

索尼公司位于埃菲尔德的一个大型配送中心被纵火焚烧。In Enfield, a large Sony distribution center was torched.

索尼公司上周在东京举行一个新闻发布会。Sony officials held a news conference last week in Tokyo.