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然后这个悲哀的故事逐渐消失。But the doleful tale dies away.

他总是露出忧郁的表情。He always shows a doleful expression.

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笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.

从他阴沉的表情可以看出他考试没有及格。His doleful expression showed that he had failed in the examination.

然后他悲叹了一声,彻底搜了迈克尔的身,看他是否带有武器。Then with a doleful sigh, he gave Michael a thorough frisk for a weapon.

寂寞可怕吗?面对孤单寂寞应该有什么样的心理?Doleful dreariness ? Face alone loneliness what to kind of mentality should have?

然而孤独和寂寞的情绪也开始在丁宝的心中慢慢滋生。However loneliness and doleful mood also begin to be caused slowly in Ding Bao's heart.

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看了你昨天发给我的长长的邮件,我感到无比的感动,同时也感到很忧伤。Having read the mail you sent me yesterday, I felt more than affected as well as doleful.

她的一位印度朋友用英文写了一篇哀悼的诗来纪念她的丈夫。Some Indian friend of hers had composed a doleful poem in English in memory of her husband.

在冬天,小河结冰了,孩子们在滑冰,冬天,他们的欢乐是是不寂寞的。In the winterbrook frozechildren are in ice skatethe winter that their mirth is hush is not doleful.

遇到两位先生加班,两位太太在一起聊天或是逛街,也不会太寂寞。Encounter two gentlemen to work overtime, two madams chat together or be to shop, also too won't doleful.

很久以后,她把这件痛心的往事讲给朋友听,仍然不明白为什么他会忽然离去。After a long time, she told the doleful story to her friend and said she felt bemused why he would leave suddenly.

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他装出一副哭丧的脸孔,推开了咖啡馆的门,接著便向那个始终有老闆管理著的柜台走过去。Wearing a doleful countenance, he pushed open the door and walked up to the counter where the proprietor was still ensconced.

两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.

看看悲哀的人啊!用橄榄枝迎接耶稣荣进耶路撒冷,却用唾骂驱赶耶稣走向死亡。To see such doleful people! People welcome Jesus into Jerusalem with olive branch, however they drive Jesus into death with revile.

也许在寂寞的时候,可以接受一个差强人意的男人,但是对方至少要能给你温暖和友谊。Perhaps be in doleful when, can accept a goodish man, but the other side wants to be able to give you warmth and companionship at least.

嘿嘿,没人理我寂寞老师的悲哀,说出来,谁明白,求求你把头抬起来,看看我把课听明白。Hey, nobody manages I the distress of doleful teacher, speak out, who is clear, beg your gangmaster to raise come, see me listen to the class clear.

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那几天单位忙,老公晚上很晚才回来,我一个人闷闷地上网,打发寂寞的夜晚。Those a few days of units are busy, husband is very late in the evening just come back, my person gets online frowzily frowzily , dismiss doleful night.

这些鸟,有着丰富多彩的鸟嘴和悲哀的表情,来来回回地从海洋到这里猛飞,满口收集的小鱼为他们孵化小鸟做准备。These birds, with their colorful beaks and doleful expressions, can be seen darting to and from the ocean, gathering mouthfuls of fish for their hatchlings.

“悲”植根于人的个体存在,是在古文学中凝出的以人生悲伤体验为主要内容的个体存在经验。Sadness is based on human individual presence, and is also individual experience of Being which is mostly comprised of doleful experience of life and which is sublimed in ancient literature.