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别总是给他一巴掌。Choose not to spank.

把你的屁股翘起来我才能打你屁股。Raise your butt so I can spank it.

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给我穿上——不然我——不然我揍你屁股。Put them on--or I'll--or I'll spank you.

你没打他屁股怎能妄加批评?How can you judge him until you spank him?

这并非去警局供认你打了自己的孩子。It's not P. C. to admit you spank your child.

打一个正在哭的孩子,只能使他变本加厉,哭得更凶。To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the fire.

欧打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.

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我要揍他,还不让他吃晚饭就去睡觉。I'd spank him and send him to bed without any supper!

程如山愤怒的打了程瑛一巴掌怒吼让她滚。ChengRuShan angry played ChengYing spank roar let her roll.

如果有孩子干坏事了,保罗先生既不打也不骂。If one of the children misbehaved, her husband did not spank or yell.

谭婆伸手一掌往他屁股上拍去。Granny raised her hand to spank him, who dismounted with a quick roll.

你为不把你的孩子打到考进香港大学?Why don't you spank your children to enter the University of Hong Kong?

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霍登的录音为父母为何使用体罚提供了背景。Holden's recordings provide rich context for what causes a parent to spank.

家长经常说他们揍孩子是为了他们好。Parents often say that they spank their children to teach them how to behave.

殴打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。天之骄子。Add fuel to the flame e. G. To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.

玛吉·吉伦哈尔的表情既吃惊又兴奋,她继续读,詹姆斯·斯派德继续拍打。Her expression is one of shock and arousal, and as she continues to read, he continues to spank.

枕头里的一些灰尘可以拍出来,但要彻底地弄干净,还是要清洗或拿去干洗。You can spank some of the dust out of pillows, but for a thorough cleaning, wash or dry-clean them.

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在我们中心,经常有家长通过揍的方式告知孩子不要打他们的兄弟姐妹。At our center, we see many parents who spank their children to teach them not to hit their siblings.

"抑郁奶爸"打孩子的可能性更大,给孩子讲故事的可能性则更小。As well as being more likely to spank their children, "sad dads" were also less likely to read to them.

然后姜洋说“屁股准备好了”,接着用厚木板打他们的屁股。Mr Jiang then says "get your butts ready" and proceeds to spank them with what appears to be a thick piece of wood.