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可是开彩了,戈德堡没有中。But the lottery would come and Goldberg wouldn't win.

这又是一个小题大做的机器,这台机器的样子将会像码头一样。Another Rube Goldberg machine, it was to be built like a pier.

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它也从事激烈的战斗,与警察杀害后,汤姆。Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg.

戈尔德贝尔格说研究人员50年来一直研究机器人。Goldberg said researchers have been working with robots for 50 years.

美国喜剧女演员伍皮·戈德堡是个大嗓门,披着一头长发辫,长着一嘴大牙。The American comedy actress Whoopi Goldberg is all voice dreadlocks and teeth.

伍皮·戈德堡是美国影坛和舞台上的一位大红大紫的喜剧女演员。Whoopi Goldberg is a very successful American comedy actress in films and on stage.

系统更复杂了,被立法的是收保护费的黑帮。The system is more complex. What has been legislated is a Rube Goldberg contraption.

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混合那个和一些我们在哥德堡和在路上时看到的一些小众电影的特色。A cross between that and maybe a little-known film we saw on Rube Goldberg and his ways.

胡比·戈碧声称不管是谁的邀请她都将不再做奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人。Whoopi Goldberg says she will not host the Academy Awards again "no matter who asks me."

但是如果你对鲁布·戈德堡机器或视频诗没兴趣看看这个怎样?。But if Rube Goldberg machines and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, how about this.

这种机器看上去像是简单机器复杂化的严肃产物。They seem like terribly serious versions of what has come to be known as Rube Goldberg machines.

一个叫古德伯格的学生,在被老师一连提问了四天之后,向他的朋友请教解决方法。After being called on four days in a row, a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends.

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它们是大脑这个复杂的精神装置处理记忆的结果。They are a result of the way that the brain, a Rube Goldberg mental contraption, processes memory.

Goldberg说,这些扇叶需要重新设计,以保证他们在东海岸的环境中不被撕开。Blades need a redesign to ensure they do not tear apart in the East Coast environment, Goldberg said.

Goldberg承认,联邦政府僧多粥少,需要资金的公司众多,而可以拿到的资金却不足。At the federal level, there is limited cash available and many businesses asking, Goldberg acknowledged.

一个星期又个一星期,戈德堡每次都祈祷中彩,可是开彩了,戈德堡没有中。Week after week, Goldberg would pray to win the lottery, but the lottery would come and Goldberg wouldn't win.

“在贷款增长非常艰难的环境中,面临的挑战是非常严峻的,”哥德伯格在一次访谈中谈到。“In an environment where loan growth is tough to come by, it’s a tough challenge,” Goldberg said in an interview.

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“在贷款增长非常艰难的环境中,面临的挑战是非常严峻的,”哥德伯格在一次访谈中谈到。"In an environment where loan growth is tough to come by, it's a tough challenge, " Goldberg said in an interview.

该协会将于明年1月14日在纽约举行颁奖晚会,乌比·哥德堡将出任晚会主持人。The association will be held next year on January 14 awards show in New York, Whoopi Goldberg will serve as show host.

“我想让餐馆员工安心,他们所掌握的技能依旧很有价值,”戈尔德贝尔格说。"I want to reassure restaurant workers that the skills that they have are still going to be of value, " Goldberg said.