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我说过我喜欢英语。I like English, " quoth I."

乌鸦说“永不复还。”“先知!”Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

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她叫着,连吹口哨三声。Quoth she and whistles thrice.

老青蛙说,“多大?”" quoth the old frog, "How big?

佳丽,今夜,你须归我享用。"Lucrece, " quoth he, "this night I must enjoy.

你瞧我的大腿,就伤在这地方。See, in my thigh, ' quoth she, 'here was the sore.

“咱们是该记住他。”塔比莎边喝边说。"And good cause have we to remember him, " quoth Tabitha, as she drank.

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“这是一个更傻的人”,年轻的治安官说着,继续他的旅程,“现在还要找到两个!”"That is one bigger silly, " quoth the young squire as he journeyed on. "So now for two more! "

“恕我直言,先生,你这样做会酿成大祸的,”西尔弗说,“你将会失去你宝贵的生命,你可以相信我的话。"Ask your pardon, sir, you would be very wrong, " quoth Silver. "You would lose your precious life, and you may lay to that.

艾德·格斯特鲁分析道,场上过了一个小时了,注定周末范德法特已经不会出场了,获得斯通的机会来了。"It's gone past 60 minutes, that surely means Van der Vaart is done for the week, time for the Hudd no quibble, " quoth Ed Gostelow.