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不要把拭子插入耳道。Do not insert swab into ear canal.

利用棉花棒刮去微小的污垢。Use cotton-tipped swab for tiny dirt.

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水兵们奉命擦洗甲板。The crew were ordered to swab down the decks.

在颈部甲状腺皮肤上用棉签涂抹碘伏。Swab neck skin with Betadine where thyroid area is.

伤口渗出来的血水需要棉花来抹掉。She used cotton wool to swab her wounds when they bled.

不要将使用过的诗通管布与乐器一起放在乐器盒内。Do not put a wet swab in the case together with the instrument.

但是你可以用棉签或者布把你耳朵外面的部分擦干净。But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear.

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我们得在你妈妈回来之前把客厅擦洗干净。We have to swab out the sitting-room before your mother comes back.

千万不要将棉棒或其他物体放入耳孔内。You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal.

日射纱窗风撼扉,香罗拭手春事违。Insolation wind screens to shake Fei, Chun Hong Lo hand swab things illegal.

透明胶纸肛拭法查12岁以下儿童蛲虫卵。Oxyurid ova were examined for children younger than 12 by cellophane anal swab.

要保护颈部皮肤与其他的甲状腺区,辐射主要是影响甲状腺的。Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first.

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我在厨房擦地板的时候在想这件事,一边还在放“女性时间”的节目。I think about this as I swab the kitchen floor with Woman's Hour in the background.

综合两种方法检测结果提示,肛拭子和肺是检测的首选样品。The results indicated that cloacal swab and lung were optimal sample in the strips assay.

DNA比对技术往往通过血液样本或者口腔内膜样本来获取DNA。DNA matching usually involves obtaining genetic material from a blood sample or cheek swab.

第二天,在她摔倒的地方,我发现了牙医塞在她牙床上的小棉球。Next day, on the landing, I found the little cotton swab the dentist had left in her mouth.

结果显示尿沉渣培养与拭子培养完全一致。The result of the urinary sediment culture was the same as that of the urinary swab culture.

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采集病例的咽拭子样品用RT-PCR方法进行甲型H1N1流感病毒核酸检测。Throat swab specimens of the patients were detected for H1N1 influenza virus by RT-PCR method.

随后采用半定量技术对每一份拭子样品进行评估。Each of the swab samples was subsequently assessed using a standard semiquantitative technique.

除了安装油烟机外,还要经常地擦洗厨房用具,才能让它保持清爽。Besides installing lampblack machine, swab kitchenware often even, ability lets it keep relaxed.