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他尖着嗓子娇滴滴的扮狗狗说话真是让我无语了。He speaks in a cutesy voice on behalf of the dog.

在美国缅因州的一个城镇,贝索,老天矫揉造作地下了厚厚的一地雪。It really snowed a shovel up in the cutesy town of Bethel in Maine, USA.

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简单上口的音乐和娇媚图形侧滚轮是真棒。Simple side-scrollers with catchy music and cutesy graphics are awesome.

我跟她说,"这就像我觉得你名字绕口让你改名字一样。"I wanted to tell her, "You should have your name changed. It's too cutesy for you."

电报员嗲声嗲气、故作可爱地说,“你可以在电报里再加一声‘汪汪汪’,价钱一样的。”The clerk says in a cutesy voice, "But you can add another 'Bow wow wow' for the same price."

北京奥运吉祥物“福娃”有了同伴——上海市世博会的吉祥物“海宝”。The cutesy "Fuwa" Olympic mascots have their companion in "Haibao," the expo's Gumby-like symbol.

没有他们的娇媚的笑容,赤裸肌肉躯干或性感形体,这些歌是什么东西。Without their cutesy smiles, naked muscular torso or sexy gyrating bodies, these songs are nothing.

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他稍微有点烦恼的是,一对太过于完美的配偶的忸怩作态可能要比嘻嘻哈哈的夫妻留下深刻的印象。His only tiny worry was that a too perfect couple might come across as more cutesy than ha-ha funny.

但也可能只是因为你使用一些矫揉造作的词语来作为“添加到购物车”的按钮,使得用户很困惑。But maybe it’s only because you used some cutesy wording on the “add to cart” button and it’s confusing people.

环境的干扰很厉害,破坏力极大,你在对可爱而漂亮的风景大搞破坏时感到快活。The environment is highly interactive, and highly destructible, and you can wreck merry havoc across cutesy landscapes.

但绵羊也有自己的支持者,并且在讨喜的新年卡通装饰物品中,它们已变得更常见。But sheep have their proponents, and they have become more common in cutesy cartoonish decorations for the celebrations.

过份使用和造做的字体,尤其是其中的免费变体,不会为你的企业标识增色。Overused and cutesy fonts, especially of the widely available ‘free’ variety, do absolutely nothing to add to a brand’s identity.

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现在,邓超微博掉粉十万或许正在暗示,观众很快就厌倦了矫揉作态的夫妻和他们粗制滥造的电影。In the meantime, the sudden drop in Deng's Weibo fans may indicate that audiences quickly tire of cutesy couples and their lousy movies.

不计的鸡毛蒜皮都能引起第一次争吵,瞬间你曾经留恋的娇嗲立刻让你想闪人。A myriad factors can cause the first argument and suddenly all the cutesy things you once loved about them have now morphed into bona fide turn-offs.

当然当然有成千的世界在线的人喜欢听到这个,并且告诉比你曾经梦想的更有礼貌的猫。Well there are thousands of people in the online world who'd just love to hear all about it, and tell you more cutesy cat stories than you ever dreamed.

我对ED歌曲却没有这样的感受,那个演唱带有过于造作的鼻音,伴唱组的表演质量也不高。I did not feel the same way about the ending theme. That vocalist was nasally with a cutesy sounding voice, and the group vocals in the chorus were cheesy.

如果你在网络空间尚且没有听说过这个名字,算你OUT了,有必要看着这篇文章,因为过几年,腾讯那只忸怩发嗲的小企鹅只会在全球网络世界中投下巨大阴影。If you are in the Web space and haven’t heard of them, read this post, because Tencent’s cutesy penguin mascot is only going to cast a larger shadow in the global Web world in coming years.