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多云且有风的。It's cloudy and windy.

昨天是阴天。It was cloudy yesterday.

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天空逐渐转阴。The sky came over cloudy.

我们一天都情绪低沉。We all cloudy cloudy day.

全般早上多云。It's been cloudy all morning.

天空的云越来越多了。The sky is getting very cloudy.

近几天一直阴雨连绵。These cloudy days depress us all.

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昨天的天气又阴又冷。It was cloudy and chilly yesterday.

可是你看外面,天是阴的。But look out Peter, it's cloudy now!

天气变得多风且多云。The weather became windy and cloudy.

混浊的溶液很快就澄清了。The cloudy solution clarified quickly.

我要在浮云蔽日的一天和你漫步。I want to walk with you on a cloudy day.

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阴天或晴天,天色阴晴都美。Cloudy or sunny , beautiful all the same.

他的小便混浊,而且气味不好。His urine is cloudy and it smells strong.

阴霾的天空把海滩上的游客都赶跑了。Cloudy sky drove the bathers off the beach.

天气突然变得又凉又阴。The weather suddenly turned cool and cloudy.

保证鱼眼是清澈的,不浑浊。And make sure the eyes are clear, not cloudy.

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气象员说今天是晴天,但天却阴沉得厉害。The weatherman said it would be clear cloudy.

有雾的早晨并不代表就是阴天。A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day.

这种阴阴的天气最是消磨人的意志。Such cloudy weather can wear people's volition.