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好色的性兴趣?Prurient sexual interest?

在某种程度上,肚脐是一个吸引异性目光的奇怪部位。In some ways, the navel is an odd region to attract our prurient gaze.

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哈利波特中最为人津津乐道的当然是特级的魔法场景。Harry potter most people prurient interest of course is super magic scene.

我们或许会因著对性好奇而观赏本片,那是自然不过的。We all probably take a prurient curiosity into watching this film. That is natural.

这部新片将出其不意地震撼粗心的观众,令胆小的观众感到惊骇,并得到好色之徒讨厌的关注。The new film will ambush the unwary, appal the squeamish and get unwanted attention from the prurient.

青年学生不应该看那些内容和插图迎合淫秽情趣的书。Young students shouldn't read those books with content and illustrations catering to prurient interests.

为了满足好色之徒的口味,与性有关的细节在各种日报版面上广为传播。To satisfy a prurient taste the details of sexual relations are spread broadcast in the columns of the daily papers.

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为了满足公众贪婪的需求,性关系的具体细节在各大报纸的专门版面被大肆报道。To satisfy a prurient taste the details of sexual relations are spread broadcast in the columns of the daily papers.

所有重大的人生转变都是艰难的,但如果缺少理解将会困难重重——对待所有的歧视与偏见,甚至还有哗众取宠和淫欲。All major life changes are difficult, but the lack of understanding is triple -- dealing with all the prejudice and bias, and even the sensationalism and prurient interest.

然而,大多数的“悲剧文学”都是通过最生动、最淫秽的间接自述来趁机窥伺他人的落魄,都纯粹属于偷窥他人隐私之作。Most modern misery literature, however, is the purest voyeurism, an opportunity to pry into the degradation of others through secondhand confessional of the most graphic and prurient sort.