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但古希腊地形并非如此That was not the Greece of antiquity.

植物油从古以来就为人们所熟悉。Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity.

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植物油从古以来就为人们所熟悉。Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity 52.

历史与现实、古老与年轻、刚劲与柔情共存。A new dam combines history with reality, antiquity.

也是一个非常古老的城市。The model of all other litanies, of great antiquity.

在远古时期,狩猎是人类最主要的活动。In remote antiquity the main human activity was hunt.

这些宏伟的历史大多遗失在了古老时光中。Much of this epic history has been lost to antiquity.

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博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.

古代的巴别塔正是现今的预兆。The Babel of antiquity foreshadows the babble of 1991.

埃德福神庙是埃及至今保存最完好的神庙。The best preserved temple of Egyptian antiquity in Edfu.

这是你们欢乐的城,从上古而有的吗。Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient days?

湖边的亭阁被修葺得古色古香。The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

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中国是世界远古文化的发祥地。China is the birthplace of world's culture in remote antiquity.

大麻自远古以来就被作为药用。Marihuana has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.

但是他们和上古时代的氏族贵族不一样。But they and the antiquity of the clan aristocracy not the same.

至今,当地人民还保留着敬母爱母的古风。Up to now, the local people still respect mother love of antiquity.

迦太基人,古代最伟大的军事统帅之一。Carthaginian general, one of the great military leaders of antiquity.

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现代的生活方式,以及与古代相比接触到太多的致癌原。Modern lifestyles, and exposure to many more carcinogens than in antiquity.

古代的故事可以说明性别失衡的潜在悲剧。A tale from antiquity illustrates the potential tragedy of gender imbalance.

在古代,迷迭香经常会和爱之神阿弗洛狄忒联系在一起。In the antiquity rosemary was associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love.