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薄冰被我砸了一个窟窿,像印模一般,正和我倒下去的身形相同。I made a hole in the ice, like a moulage , the hole was the same with my body shape.

凸轮机械手自动送.卸皂,印模90度往复打印,成皂精度高安全。Cam manipulator automatic send and unload soap. Moulage to-and-fro 90degree stamp. Soap precision nigh and safety.

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然后将从装置作品和一些“大地版画”去研究印痕美的表现空间以及大致的发展趋势。Then it will study the show space and the development trend of moulage beauty from the equipment works and some"earth print".

应为古墓出土,麻布残片为墓主人下葬时的衣物,剑属宋代以前产物。It should be excavated from tumulus , and the flax moulage is the cloth of the owen. The Jian is the production before Song dynasty.

印模技术具有装饰多样化、立体装饰、图案易于与环境相协调等特点。It has diversification, tridimensional decorative purpose through Moulage Technology. And the design is in concordance with surrounding.

印痕美中的美并非是普遍意义上的美,而是印痕使人产生的感觉,是舒畅的、愉悦的、或是哀伤的,甚至是愤怒的。The aesthetics of moulage is not the one in common concept, the feeling which moulage gives people, is free, happy , sad or even indignant.

本文介绍高性能彩色固化剂及彩色印模辅助材料的组成特性、生产工艺及印模技术。In this article, the component characteristic of HPCH and secondary cementitious materials, productive techniques and moulage technology are introduced as a whole.

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就源头来看,从白先勇的个人身世经历、宗教情感以及所受的中外文学遗产的影响诸方面可以发现其小说创作中人道主义的清晰印痕。As a source, we can find the clear humanism moulage from Baixian-yong's personal life experience, religious emotion and the influence over Chinese and foreign literature legacy.

用海藻胶代替橡胶、石膏作牙科印模料,不仅价格便宜,操作简便,而且印出的齿形更准确。It not only has reasonable price and convenient operation, but also can print exact teeth form with sodium alginate replacing the dentistry moulage material of rubber and gesso.

为了取得正确的形式和结构,凡·斯洛博还采用“立体裁剪技术”直接在模特身上进行设计创作。The process of finding the right shape and construction is based around the moulage technique, the three-dimensional creation of a design on the model's body – a form of sculpting with fabric.

此外,印模组件模拟伤口,TDCK和模拟人展示各种创伤,包括复合骨折,断肢和腹部伤口。Additionally, a moulage kit of simulated injuries interfaces with the TDCK and the patient mannequin to show a variety of wounds including compound fractures, severed limbs and abdominal wounds.