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这儿是枪栓。Here's the bolt.

他把螺栓扭紧。He fastened the bolt.

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插销是一种扣拴。A bolt is a fastening.

他悄悄地把插销插上。He eased the bolt in.

门闩扣不上。The bolt didn't catch.

我这里我这里门栓儿插紧。I bolt the door tightly.

拆去支撑螺栓盖。Remove anchor bolt cover.

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这门有一个弹簧插销。The door has a snap bolt.

她啪地一声将门关上。The door has a snap bolt.

傻子的箭放得快。/蠢人的东西消耗得快。A fool's bolt is soon shot.

如果你看见它,会不会将它们拧上?If you saw it would you bolt?

金属匙链拉钉。Metal spoon chain puller bolt.

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电闪是一个之字形。The lightning bolt is a zigzag.

步枪的枪栓咔嗒作响——空了。The rifle's bolt clacked—empty.

拆卸手轮固定螺栓。Remove handwheel retaining bolt.

大约在2000年,螺栓被移走了。Around 2000 the bolt was removed.

别搬弄枪栓。Don't fiddle with the rifle bolt.

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他慢慢拧紧螺钉。He tightened the bolt up slowly.

终于他的手摸到了一个螺钉的螺头。His hands find the top of a bolt.

“领到楼上去,”鲍先生告诉他说。“Put them upstairs,” Bolt told him.