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戏剧性地表现你的特征。Dramatize your features.

那故事可改编成很好的戏。The story would dramatize admirably.

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我要把一个剧作家的生活编成剧本。I just dramatize the life of a playwright!

如何描述一个并未发生的事件实为困难。The problem is how to dramatize a nonevent.

这部电影既不企图使用戏剧化的手法也不企图进行说教。The film attempts neither to dramatize nor sermonize.

这部伟大领袖的自传很适合于改编成剧本。The biography of the great leader will dramatize well.

今天我们在这里集会,就是要把这种骇人听闻的情况公诸于众。So we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

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不要戏剧性的讲述这个事情,我们要知道事实。Don't dramatize the affair so much , just give us the facts.

他们会夸大双方每天面对的压力。They may dramatize the day-to-day stresses they face together.

所以,我们今天来到这里,要把这骇人听闻的情况公诸于众。And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

因此我们今天已经来这里改编成戏剧一种骇人的情况。So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.

他们有一种炫耀的倾向,几乎任何情况都要大肆渲染一番。They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.

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“我找到了。”我大声喊起来。“我要把一个剧作家的外国国家国家日常表达编成手稿。”"I've got it! " I exclaimed. "I only dramatize the life of a playwleft! "

足球自动售货机,以戏剧化的街头足球定位耐克。伟大的工作!Football dispensers to dramatize the street football positioning of Nike. Great job!

有人把美国总统选举戏称为敌手之间的一场有组织的战役。Some dramatize a U.S. presidential election as a campaign of organized combat between enemies.

“我们不应该夸大这种情况”,萨科齐在会面举行前的新闻发布会上对记者说。"We shouldn't dramatize the situation, " Sarkozy said in a briefing for reporters ahead of the meeting.

1980年那里的人口普查统计资料也不如远西地区的更能生动地说明美国人对宽敞的生活环境的追求。Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.

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没有哪次调查比1980年美国人口普查更能突出显示美国人迁往最西部是为了找到更广阔的生存空间。Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.

没有什么比1980年人口调查数据更能清楚地表明美国人想到最西部地区寻找宽阔的居住地了。Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Fsr West.

“没有人会大书特书”一个排在阿富汗的真实经历,“因为太无聊了,”他说。“No one would dramatize the real experience” of a platoon in Afghanistan “because it’s too boring, ” he added.