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她沉默着皱一皱眉头,露出一股极为憎厌的神情。Silently she frowned with a look of utter distaste.

她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.

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此类散播恐惧的言行很大程度上由西方对进步的反感所推动。Much of this fear-mongering is driven by western distaste for progress.

第一种是带着一丝厌恶迅速走过。The first is to proceed swiftly with no more than a flicker of distaste.

如果你对它有着严重的厌恶感,那么你可能要换雇主了。If you have a solemn distaste for it, you might want to switch employers.

他朝她点点头,坐下,厌恶地环顾了破旧的酒吧。He nodded at her and sat, looking around with distaste at the decrepit bar.

不过苔丝的自尊心使她觉得,作为一个穷亲戚去求那位老太太,她心里是非常讨厌的。But Tess's pride made the part of poor relation one of particular distaste to her.

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西马斯先生赞同撒金特先生对宽泛复杂的旧模型的不满。Mr Sims shared Mr Sargent's distaste for the older models, which were vast and complex.

她从波克手里接过湿淋淋的长柄葫芦勺,鼻孔立即被酒气刺激得皱起来。She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.

要是有什么让你烦心的,你的厌恶只会随时间增长。If something is bothering you now, your distaste for it will only inflate as time evolves.

我们厌恶战争,但这并不意味着我们支持猛虎组织。Neither should our distaste for the war be interpreted to mean that we support the Tamil Tigers.

一些宿敌是由于对对方绝对的尊重,而还有一些是因为来自对另一方绝对的厌恶。Some rivalries come from utter respect for one-another, some rivalries come from complete distaste for one-another.

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在他身后,空气波纹起伏,微光闪烁,渐渐凝固成一个男人的形状,他环顾四周,撇起的嘴角上挂着一丝厌恶的表情。Behind him the air rippled, shimmered, solidified into a man who looked around, his mouth twisting briefly with distaste.

他的市政官同僚,什么都会相信,就是不相信有人会对伦敦城的名菜海龟汤②深恶痛绝。His fellow aldermen would believe in anything rather than an heretical distaste for the city ambrosia of the soup tureen.

大多数人类对这些外星人无甚好感,“大虾”们面目可憎、粗暴无礼又常在垃圾堆里摸爬,且嗜食猫粮。Most people look upon them with distaste. The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food.

和很多伊朗人一样,内贾德讨厌领带,与其说是他亲民的表现,还不如说这是伊朗人一贯的着装风格。His distaste for ties probably says more about Iranian dress code than any American-style attempt to identify with the common man.

实际上,选民已经在显示他们对有煽动性的民族主义者鼓吹阶级斗争,和国家干预经济这些论调的厌恶。Instead, voters are showing their distaste for firebrand nationalists who preachclass warfare and state intervention in the economy.

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与西方派不同,改革派没有从思想上敌视所谓的“东方势力”,冷战结束后开始对东方国家开放。The modernizers have never shared the westernizers' ideological distaste for the East and began opening up to it after the Cold War.

我明白,他被我的决定弄得摸不着头脑了——就像我妈妈在我面前那样,我不喜欢福克斯,这一点我从来都没有掩饰过。I knew he was more than a little confused by my decision — like my mother before me, I hadn't made a secret of my distaste for Forks.

阿布扎比石油储量丰富,观点较为保守,其统治者认为迪拜的做法愚蠢且没有品位、偶尔还有些嫉妒之情。Rich in oil and conservative in outlook, its rulers have viewed Dubai’s penchant for frolic and folly with distaste and occasional envy.