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然而这棵古银杏树却是特别的。But the Ginkgo is special.

银杏树可是宝树。The ginkgo is a tree of treasures.

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银杏茶在德国非常流行。Ginkgo biloba tea is very popular in Germany.

短枝是银杏开花结实的部位。Ginkgo biloba is a strong spur the flowering parts.

胸骨小呈银杏叶片状,具低的龙骨突。Sternum small and ginkgo leaf-shaped with low keel.

“投”在樗蒲戏中呈银杏状。"Vote" was the play in the ginkgo Ailanthus like Po.

日本人有每日食用白果的习惯。Japanese have the habit of daily consumption of ginkgo.

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银杏叶的上表皮,具有明显的角质层。Ginkgo biloba on the skin, the stratum corneum is obvious.

我悄悄地将那一片碧绿的银杏叶放如土中。I quietly that a place such as ginkgo biloba, green earth.

银杏叶茶香枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品。Ginkgo leaf of ecological health, will pillow sleep products.

银杏叶具有一定的药用作用和保健功能。Ginkgo leaf has certain medicinal function and health care function.

采叶是当今银杏建园的主要经营目的之一。Leaf collection is currently one of the major aims of ginkgo gardens.

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文内具体介绍了绿枝嫁接技术。The thesis expounds Ginkgo biloba L. green scion grafting technology.

大家知道,在服用银杏提取物组出现了更多的中风和微中风病例。As noted, more strokes and mini-strokes were seen in the ginkgo group.

走出寺外,这里有六朝柏、宋槐、明银杏等古树。Calmly walked out, here are the Six Pak, Song Huai, Ming ginkgo trees.

绛囊因入贡,银杏贵中州。Giang capsule into the tribute due to ginkgo expensive Central Plains.

提示银杏叶茶对心脑血管疾病的保健作用。This prompt care effects of Ginkgo biloba tea cardiac cerebral disease.

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银杏长枝叶芽的萌发力和发枝力都很高。Ginkgo long branches and buds of the germination of the sticks are high.

白果的副作用之一是增加出血的几率,他没有意识到这一点。One of the side effects of ginkgo biloba is an increased risk of bleeding.

这是一组在安陆钱冲银杏谷拍的照片。The Ginkgo Valley in Qianchong, Anlu city, central China's Hubei province.