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那儿是交通停止,行人留步,军队开始的地方。There the rabble ended and the army began.

暴民们很快地变得狂暴和无法控制。The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable.

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“什么宣讲?”侏儒玩弄着他的棋子问。"What rantings?" the dwarf asked, toying with his rabble.

如果这群乌合之众继续纠缠你,就别读那些废话。if the rabble continues to be occupied with you, simply stop reading that drivel.

查拉图斯特拉是严厉批评各种群众运动,并在“乌合之众”的一般。Zarathustra is harshly critical of all kinds of mass movements, and of the "rabble" in general.

目前在美国我们已经在实践中懂得有保留地接受了群氓假说。Now in america we have learned in actual practice to accept the rabble hypothesis with reservations.

乌合之众浮躁压在我们身上,骚扰我们与他们的长矛,并与箭的飞行压倒我们。The rabble pressed impetuously upon us, harassing us with their spears, and overwhelming us with flights of arrows.

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马丹女士,我想让你知道,我已经让旅馆的工作人员把您淘气的孩子聚拢起来以免他们离开这个旅店。Ms. Martin, I want you to know, I had to use hotel staff to round up the rabble your children unleashed on this hotel!

一个政治谎言有时诞生于某位下台政治家的头脑中,然后一些乌合之众对诸谎言加以发展和玩弄。A political lying sometimes born out of a discarded statesman's head, and thence delivered to be nursed and dandled by the rabble.

一个政治谎言有时诞生于某位下台政治家的头脑中,然后一些乌合之众对诸谎言加以发展和玩弄。A political lie is sometimes born out of a discarded statesman's head, and thence delivered to be nursed and dandled by the rabble.

遭遇重创,丢盔卸甲,这群毫无组织的,由大学生、商人、零售店主和预备役军人组成的反叛军被打回原形。Bloodied and outgunned, the rebels, a leaderless rabble of university students, mechanics, shopkeepers, and Army reservists, had been falling back ever since.

人们记得当初来到麻厂街集合时,曾见到一个老太婆,她为了防御流弹,把她的床垫放在窗前。It will be remembered that, on the arrival of the rabble in the Rue de la Chanvrerie, an old woman, foreseeing the bullets, had placed her mattress in front of her window.

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尽管如此,扬言要攻入的黎波里的反对派这次还是显示出了其领导人在将武装群众改造成类似正规军方面所取得的进展。Still, the rebel offensive now threatening to move into Tripoli showcases the strides their leaders have made in transforming an armed rabble into something resembling a proper army.

男人一个小党,在服装穿着印度的一半,一半的欧洲和指挥的由一个统一的绅士部分英国,分别从事,在伟大的可能性,与盟国的蜂拥乌合之众。A small party of men, clad in garments half Indian, half European, and officered by gentlemen in a uniform partly British, were engaged, at great odds, with the swarming rabble of the allies.

他的战术重身先士卒率领骑兵冲锋,结果不止一次被敌军俘虏,部下失去领袖,成为一盘散沙。He based his tactical philosophy on the headlong charge, with himself at the head of his cavalry, which had more than once left him a prisoner in enemy hands and his army a leaderless rabble.