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他怎么能那么自我陶醉?What gives? How could he be so narcissistic?

全世界都没人欣赏,自己依然可以孤芳自赏。If nobody appreciate you, you still can be narcissistic.

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我很喜欢研究同性恋的心理。I like study the buggers's psychology or the narcissistic homoerotism.

就让我们来看看和一个自恋的丈夫一起生活对你来说意味着什么吧。Here's a look at what could living with a narcissistic husband mean for you.

卡扎菲疯狂、自恋、怪异的作风似乎是他长久统治的秘诀。Qaddafi’s unhinged narcissistic oddness seems to be the key to his longevity.

她丝毫没有表现出同龄人那种自我陶醉以及虚无主义的倾向。She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.

从自恋理论角度阐释了保罗自恋创伤的根源及其自恋情结。The root of Pauls narcissistic injury and his narcissistic complex is expounded.

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它使你获得更明确的推力去参与,而不显得那么自恋。You get a more specific prompt to contribute, and so it feels less narcissistic.

只是从自我陶醉的雅痞们变为网络弄潮儿之后又成为了共和党寡头。Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads.

拥有一个自恋的丈夫是迄今为止你遇到的的最棒的一件事了。A narcissistic husband can be the best thing that has ever happened to you till now.

他是非常自我陶醉和过份放肆,同时操纵控制,恶言谩骂。He is extremely narcissistic and passively aggressive and controlling as well as abusive.

而且,女明星比男明星更加自恋。Female stars were also more likely than their male counterparts to exhibit narcissistic traits.

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这种美是清高的美,是孤芳自赏傲俗的美!This kind of is beautiful is self-contained beautiful, is the narcissistic is vulgar beautiful!

刘晔本人否认自己是同性恋,他说本地媒体的报道可能让他看起来“有点自恋”。Lui denies being gay but says he could be "a bit narcissistic" according to local media reports.

发现自己在生活中从不寻找自恋补给后,你会不会松上一口气?Are you breathing a sigh of relief, knowing you've never in your life sought narcissistic supply?

一旦你感到为了抵挡自恋者的愤怒而如履薄冰时,停下。As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off narcissistic rage, stop.

到了浪漫主义时期,这个万能的权威走到了顶点,成了一个孤芳自赏的吟诵者。In the Romantic Period, this omnipotent authority came to a head, becoming a narcissistic intoner.

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一些西方的学术权威分裂成两个不同的流派,利他主义和自恋主义。Some Western authorities disaggregate into two main components, the altruistic and the narcissistic.

与一个自恋主义者相处的确比与正常人相处耗用更多的时间。Dealing with a narcissistic husband does take a little more time than a dealing with a normal person.

他们并不坏,只不过从自我陶醉的雅痞变为网络弄潮儿之后,又成为了共和党寡头。They aren't bad people. Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads.