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当时,我曾在南达科他州的Ellsworth空军基地的一个乐队工作。I was in the band at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota.

担当那个角色的是记者和建筑批评家埃尔斯沃思·图希。That is left to journalist and architecture critic Ellsworth Toohey.

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美国网球选手在温网埃尔斯沃思藤蔓,伦敦6月26日起,1933。American tennis player Ellsworth Vines in play at Wimbledon, London on June 26, 1933.

安士澳将尽力做出合理的努力满足这一交货日期,但不承诺一定满足这一交货期。Ellsworth will use reasonable efforts to meet such delivery dates, but does not guarantee to meet such dates.

极地研究学会科学委员会将Ellsworth湖确定为首批钻探研究对象。The Scientific Committee on Arctic Research identified Lake Ellsworth as the prime candidate for the first drill site.

安士澳只接受因为质量问题而导致的退货并只接受换货请求,不接受退款要求。Ellsworth shall only accept Returned Products due to quality issue that Ellsworth shall provide replacements but no refund.

埃尔斯沃斯揭发他在返回农田的路上,看见凯厚开着车子朝与学校相反的方向去了。On the way back to his farm, Ellsworth reported seeing Kehoe in his car heading in the opposite direction toward the school.

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像亚历克山大·卡尔德和艾尔思沃斯·凯利这些艺术家的作品完全可以和莱特的弧线设计媲美,但是博物馆的整体空间盖过了任何微小、精细和极细致的地方。Works of artists like Alexander Calder and Ellsworth Kelly play off well against the curves, but the space overwhelms anything small, delicate, or highly detailed.

这些年来,客户包括各式各样的艺术家,像野口勇、凯利、欧登伯格和布鲁根夫妻档,最有名的或许就是昆斯。Its clients over the years have included artists as diverse as Isamu Noguchi, Ellsworth Kelly, the duo Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen and, perhaps most prominent, Mr. Koons.

该项目的最重要的阶段将在2012年至2010年南极的夏天,那时Ellsworth湖首份冰河时期的数据报告将完成。The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the Lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.