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金色的晚霞在西方颤动著。A golden afterglow throbbed in the west.

金色的晚霞在西方颤动着。A golden afterglow throbbed in the west.

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再无需加演,因为有余辉。No more encore except for the afterglow.

傍晚时分,天边还残留有一缕落晖。In the dusk, a thread of afterglow still lingers in the sky.

让她放松,在女阴按摩的回味中享受。Allow her to relax and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage.

研究了其激发光谱、发射光谱和余辉光谱。The excitation, emission and afterglow spectra were investigated.

夜幕初临,维港灯火渐明,天边一抹紫霞余辉。Nightfall, the harbour lights gradually, the horizon a daisy afterglow.

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山色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声。With the afterglow mountains Qian Shen, Jiang Liu Shusei day and night change.

夕阳的余晖仍然照耀着我的故乡,然而,最终,它也要离去。Sunset's afterglow is still shining on my hometown, but in the end, it should leave.

在我极乐享受世界的幻想里,回忆那么美妙,我厌恶自己来得如此之快。I loathed myself for coming so soon, in the afterglow of my man-of-the-world fantasies.

太阳的一抹余晖返人深林,又照到林中的青苔上。The afterglow of the setting sun in the deep forest, As in the moss and pleasant scenery.

美国航空航天局“雨燕”号卫星捕捉到的伽马射线余晖,产生于9月16日伽马射线爆发过后。NASA’s Swift satellite picked up the X-ray afterglow of the September 16th gamma-ray burst.

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潮水还涨著,夕阳跟著你到海堤尽头,你漫步牵车回返。The afterglow shadowed you till the end of the seawall. You strolled back, carrying your bike.

那些鲜活的小鱼儿,情不自禁地在余辉中体味着跳跃的乐趣。Those fresh fish, be overcome by one's feelings in the afterglow of contemplating jumping fun.

当形单影只地年夜象在夕照余辉中纵情游玩时,你地感受是什么?When the hordes of elephants enjoy playing in the afterglow of sunset, your feelings for that?

当我们背离地球如此的遥远之后,我们最后正看到一个天穹正包裹着我们——那是大爆炸的余辉。We back so far up we're finally seeing a containment around us -- the afterglow of the Big Bang.

硫化物型的发光材料性能不稳定,在生产和使用中应注意安全防护。There is no harm when aluminate long afterglow photoluminescence materials are produced and used.

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这一噪音最终被证实是宇宙背景微波,大爆炸的余辉。That noise turned out to be the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the big bang fireball.

他们说,这宇宙微波背景幅射代表着宇宙大爆炸的余辉。This cosmic microwave background radiation, they said, represents the ancient afterglow of the big bang.

在我离别后,让我的思念映照着你,宛如夕阳的余晖环绕着星辰冷寂的边缘。Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.