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我惊起了五六只山鹬。I started some half-dozen snipe.

一只鹬鸟看见河蚌,就想美餐一顿。A snipe saw the clam and wanted to enjoy it.

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狙击技能从幽灵兵身上移除了么?Has the snipe ability been removed from the Ghost?

然而,当你所有成群行动,狙击发生。However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.

他奉令狙击任何在营地附近走动的人。He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp.

鬼兵的幽能子弹是否频繁用来狙击施法单位呢?How often is the ghosts psi round used to snipe caster units?

鹬鸟用尽力气,也拔不出它的喙来。Despite all its efforts, the snipe could not extricate its bill.

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但是他会使小泽一郎从他的选举副手转为敌手。But then he let Mr Ozawa snipe at him from the campaign sidelines.

他们当中第一个见到我的人难道不会像拧断苍鹭的脖子那样拧断我的脖子吗?。Would not the first of them who saw me wring my neck like a snipe 's?

一只河蚌出来晒太阳,被鹬啄住可他的肉。河蚌马上合上双壳钳住了鹬的嘴。Just as a clam came out to bask in the sun, a snipe pecked at its flesh.

有一只鹬鸟,从河蚌身边走过,就伸出喙去啄河蚌的肉。A snipe passed by the clam and stretched its bill to peck at the clam's flesh.

但对于购房者来讲,却是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。But for property buyers are concerned, it is common snipe mussels competing and profit.

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但对于购房者来讲,却是'鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利'。But for property buyers are concerned, it is' common snipe mussels competing, profit '.

鹬鸟和河蚌互不相让,死死地纠缠在一起。Neither snipe nor clam would yield, and they remained in that position for a long time.

鹬想把蚌甩掉,就拼命的用力甩头,可是蚌夹的非常紧,鹬怎么也甩不掉。The snipe shook its head violently to cast off the clam, but it failed no matter how hard it tried.

规模稍小一些的房展会也能有几百万的赚头。Really common snipe mussels competing, soil, the final exhibitors little money on account exposition.

想象一下国会议员想要鼓励某项活动,比如说猎鹬。Imagine that there is some activity — say, snipe hunting — that members of Congress want to encourage.

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有一相对较长及笔直的喙部,趾上有蹼等特徵都使此种与另外两种区为不同的属。It has a relatively long, decurved, bill. It has webbed feet, also a difference from the other painted snipe.

这时候鹬飞过,看到一块鲜美的肉在地上,就想吃到嘴里。A snipe flew over and saw a piece of red meat on the ground, so it dived to the ground and pecked at the clam.

杨,带领同志们迅速与大部队会合,我带人阻击敌人,为大家争取时间。Yang , guiding our comrades to join up with the army quickly. I'll snipe the enemy, shooting for time for you.