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卡加延省,吕宋。Cagayan Province, Luzon.

卡加延山谷生产大约该国三分之一的大米。The Cagayan valley produces about of a third of the country's rice.

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同时,由于同样的辐射威胁谣言,在卡加延德奥罗的一些学校已经停课。In Cagayan de Oro, meanwhile, some schools canceled classes because of the same radiation threat rumors.

和记娱乐城运营总部设于菲律宾卡格扬经济特区。Hutchison Entertainment operational headquarters in the Philippine city of Cagayan Special Economic Zone.

不然为什么猎鹰过境就没事,而米娜现在却毁坏了那个地方,伴随着卡洛扬河泛滥至26英尺高?Why else would Falcon leave this area untouched, when Mina now devastates it with flooding up to 26 feet in Cagayan?

菲律宾官方已经安排成千的灾民转移到较为安全的临近城市。Philippine authorities ordered thousands of people in Cagayan and Isabella provinces on Luzon island to move to safer areas.

卡加第一的是菲律宾卡加延经济区管理局正式任命硕士授权网上博彩业务。First Cagayan of the Philippines is Cagayan Economic Zone Authority's duly appointed Master Licensor for Internet gaming operations.

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卡格扬省警署参谋长说,被害警官遭袭时曾打电话求助,但营救人员到达现场为时已晚。Cagayan province, police chief, said police attacked the victims had called for help, but rescue workers arrived at the scene too late.

菲律宾北部卡加延省省会土格加劳市的一栋五层楼高宾馆日前凌晨发生大火,当时造成15人死亡,12人受伤。The capital of Cagayan province in northern Philippines, Tuguegarao City, a five-story hotel fire before dawn, when 15 people were killed and 12 injured.

菲律宾警方12月19日说,北部卡加延省土格加劳市一家宾馆当天凌晨失火,被困的15人全部死亡。Philippine police on December 19 that the northern Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Province, early morning fire in a hotel the same day, killing all 15 people trapped.

作为主人的许可,第一卡加还规定,并监督所有与互联网相关的游戏活动,以确保遵守既定的规则和规管行动。As Master Licensor, First Cagayan also regulates and monitors all Internet gaming related activities to ensure compliance with established rules and regulations governing operations.

马里尔终于中学毕业,并在卡加延德奥罗市注册了饭店烹调与管理课程,“因为我从七岁就喜欢烹调,”她说到。Maricel eventually graduated from high school and enrolled in a two-year Hotel and Restaurant Management course in Cagayan de Oro City. “I have really enjoyed cooking since I was seven years old.”