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她向我们哀叹自己悲惨的遭遇。She lamented to us about her wretched lot.

医生不能合法地赚钱,他感觉遗憾。Doctors can't make money legally, he lamented.

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监狱刑期也变长了,他叹道。And prison sentences have become longer, he lamented.

不久之前,世界还在为破败不堪的非洲悲叹。Not so long ago, the world lamented its broken continent.

“男人变得像女人了。”评论家森永卓郎先生哀叹到。"Men are turning into women, " lamented critic Mr Morinaga.

我不由自主地对玛格丽特的命运产生了怜悯的心情。And in spite of myself, I lamented the fate of Marguerite Gautier.

王为押尼珥举哀,说,押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢。And the king lamented over Abner, and said, Died Abner as a fool dieth?

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王为押尼珥举哀、说、押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢。And the king lamented over Abner , and said, Died Abner as a fool dieth?

奥萨马对像穆罕纳德和他朋友们这样的毫无经验的反叛军很无奈。Osama lamented the inexperience of rebels like Muhannad and his friends.

你可曾后悔这三月芳时,感叹这一季花开?Have you ever regret that when the March Fong, lamented this season bloom?

我们人类总能设计出新的工具,然后哀悼失去的古老方式。Our species has always devised new tools and lamented the loss of old ways.

大卫作哀歌,吊扫罗和他儿子约拿单And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son

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“这个事件让我们付出了代价,”弗格森爵士赛后接受采访的时候说。That incident cost us the game, lamented Sir Alex in his post-match interview.

普特洛克勒斯回来了,他们把事情告诉他,他也坐下来和母子俩一同大哭。Patroclus came home, and they told him, and he sat down and lamented with them.

当他在为他的伤口和擦伤遗憾和哀叹时,他大声喊救命。While he lamented and bewailed his sores and bruises, he cried loudly for help.

打击塔利班合作中,巴基斯坦的不让步已很令人遗憾。Pakistan's intransigence in combating the Taliban has already been much lamented.

伯爵夫人蒙纳,“卑斯麦”号活动的悲叹自己锁在室内三天。Countess Mona Bismarck lamented the event by locking herself indoors for three days.

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狮子一走,农夫为损失了牛羊而悲痛不已。On his departure, the farmer grievously lamented the destruction of his sheep and oxen.

“他们没有我这样幸运,可以经历这一人生的突变,我为他们感到难过,”他写道。"I lamented that they had not been blessed as I had, with this jolt to life," he writes.

“水,到处是水,但没有一滴可以喝的,”古代水手感叹到。“WATER, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” lamented the becalmed Ancient Mariner.