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在谈及自给自足,满足自我的产生模式时,朱玛博士提到了马拉维和中国。For models of self-sufficiency, Juma points to Malawi and China.

暴雨引发山洪暴发,在房山拒马河洪峰流量。Heavy rains triggered flash floods in Fangshan, Juma River flood peak discharge.

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他们面临的挑战在于如何改造这些知识从而适合当地市场。The challenge is adapting that knowledge to local markets, writes Calestous Juma.

控方文件中包括朱马汗向塔利班支付“保护费”的陈述。The prosecution file, including payment of Juma Khan to the Taliban "protection money" statement.

然而,朱玛承诺说,如果这对年轻人十年后若不打算结婚了,他还是会尊重他们的要求的。However, Juma has pledged that if the youngsters decide not to marry in a decade's time, he'll honor their request.

Juma说,下一步是将知识转化成企业,并为其生产的产品寻找一个国际市场。The next step, Juma says, is to translate knowledge into enterprise and find an international market for the resulting goods.

朱玛指出,例如,在非洲大部分援助机构都未能利用世界现有的知识财富来促进长期发展。Juma notes that in Africa, for instance, most donor assistance does not harness the world’s existing fund of knowledge for long-term development.

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Juma呼吁建立一种新型大学,它能产生能把理论转换成商业方案以及实际的产品和服务的企业家。Juma calls for a "new species of university" that produces entrepreneurs who can "transform ideas into business proposals and actual products and services".

浙江巨马索道工程有限公司的产品有各类客运索道、货运索道、滑道、滑索、地轨缆车、铁索桥等。The products manufactured by Zhejinag Juma Ropeway Engineering Co. , Ltd cover passenger ropeway, freight ropeway, slide, strop, ground rail cable and cable bridges etc.

环保设计师嘉妹和爱丽帮女装公司“珠马”设计,从北美的店到多伦多时尚的皇后街上的“芬帊”店都有她们的设计。Green designers Jamil and Alia Juma of Juma, a woman's fashion clothing company, sell to stores throughout North America including Pho Pa on Toronto's trendy Queen Street.

中国从一个粮食进口国摇身一变,发生了戏剧性的改变,他们无需依靠进口就能从根本上养活自己,这一点也同样”继续对非洲国家产生具有启发性的指导意义,”朱玛说。China's dramatic turnaround from being a food importer to having the ability to essentially feed itself is also "going to continue to be very instructive for African countries," Juma says.

Juma说,非洲必须建设自己的工程能力,以提供控制疾病的技术和技术诀窍、管理复杂的生态系统和处理气候变化的影响。Africa must build up its engineering capability, Juma says, to provide the technology and know-how to control disease, manage complex ecosystems and deal with the impacts of climate change.

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等珠玛回到部落时,部落已彻底被毁,一位奄奄一息的老阿妈在指引珠玛图腾和伏藏之后也撒手人寰,悲痛无助的珠玛只得带着伏藏,和尼玛一起流浪。When she returned, the tribe was thoroughly destroyed. Grandma struggled to show Juma the totem in her last moments. Sorrowful and without help, juma took the totem and roamed about with the mastiff.