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我喜欢的明星是阿部宽。I like the star is Abe.

艾贝是个医科学生。Abe was a medical student.

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艾伯向简求婚了没有?Did Abe propose to Jane yet?

最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。Finally, Abe and Fanny were rescued.

阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫。Abe and Babe will grab a grub from Greg.

阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫吗?Will Abe and Babe grab a grub from Greg?

阿部说,“我们所发现的很是出人意料。”"What we found was unexpected," says Abe.

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安倍成功的使其在去年得以延期。Abe succeeded in having it extended last year.

“我想知道书里有什么,”艾贝说。"I want to know what's in the book, " says Abe.

安倍晋三极有可能会努力向特朗普解释该政策。Abe will most likely try to explain to the president.

法官是前最高法院的法官阿贝.福塔斯。The judge was former Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas.

安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout.

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他在小泉和福田两届内阁里担任外相。He was foreign minister under both Mr Koizumi and Mr Abe.

这是一本旧书,其中的一部分已没有了,但艾贝不介意。It was an old book. Part of it was gone. But Abe didn't mind.

我儿子五岁时,我们一天晚上在电视上看到了亚伯·林肯。When my son was five, we had seen Abe Lincoln on TV one night.

他还是一个和善、诚实的人,人们称他为“诚实的亚伯”。" He was also kind and honest. People called him “Honest Abe".

他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.

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根本问题不在于安倍先生,而是日本社会本身。The fundamental problem wasn t Mr Abe but thejapanese society herself.

艾贝。林肯只是一个男孩,但是他在农场上帮他的父亲汤姆干活。Abe Lincoln is just a boy, but he helps his father Tom around the farm.

并且,我们将绝对不会把票投给那些认为安倍是我们的朋友的人。And, we will never vote for a anyone who thinks that Abe is our friend.