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而我们的祖先——阿法尔南猿——显然也是这样认为的。And our Australopithecus afarensis ancestors apparently felt the same way.

达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即“南非类人猿”。Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape".

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相同的原则也适用于从南猿向现代人类装配进行转化的第三阶段。The same rules apply to the transition from Australopithecus to the third stage of our assembly.

源泉种的大脑像猩猩一样,为420立方厘米——对南方古猿来说,这不算什么稀罕。Its size is a chimplike 420 cubic centimeters—not at all unusual for something called Australopithecus.

对于我们来说,没有什么比一块肉排更好了,显然,我们的阿法南方古猿祖先们也这样想。There’s nothing like a good steak. And our Australopithecus afarensis ancestors apparently felt the same way.

本周,南方古猿人的骨骼在约翰尼斯堡金山大学公布于众。This week, bones from Australopithecus Sediba are unveiled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

同样在非洲出土的“露西”化石,年代比“阿蒂”晚100万年,属于与人类更相近的南方古猿。Lucy, also found in Africa, thrived a million years after Ardi and was of the more human-like genus Australopithecus.

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伍德说,到目前还不清楚的是,德玛尼斯化石的分类地位究竟落在南猿属那一边,还是人属这一边。What is unclear thus far, Wood says, is whether the Dmanisi hominids fall on the Homo side of the divide or the Australopithecus one.

则琢磨弗洛瑞斯岛人骨甚至可能代表南猿人的一支。Wolpoff of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor wonders whether the Flores find might even represent an offshoot of Australopithecus.

粗壮南猿以前的人科成员具有简单工具行为的能力。The early hominid, which antedate the appearence of Australopithecus robustus in the archaeological record, engaged in simple tool behavior.

这个洞穴曾经发现过一具330万年前的完整南方古猿化石,并因此于1994年成为联合国科教文组织世界遗产地。The caves were made a Unesco world heritage site in 1994 after an almost complete fossil of a 3.3million-year-old Australopithecus was found there.

可能还得花数年时间才能精确确认阿迪属于人类进化史的哪个阶段,一种可能是她是露西所属物种---南猿亚科的直系祖先。It may take years to confirm exactly where Ardi fits in the history of human evolution. One possibility is that she is a direct ancestor of Lucy's species, Australopithecus.

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从4月报道获悉,在一个南非洞穴中发现了190万年前的的骨骼,南方古猿sediba让我们依稀窥见到我们人类进化的朦胧历史。Reported in April and known from two 1.9-million-year-old skeletons discovered in a South African cave, Australopithecus sediba offers a glimpse of a hazy time in our lineage's evolution.

这段骨骼属于著名的古猿人露西,她属于生活在非洲东部的南方古猿阿法种。它是解释“他们是如何到处行走”这个问题的第一个证据。The bone belongs to a cohort of the famed hominid Lucy, whose species Australopithecus afarensis roamed eastern Africa, and is the first evidence to address the question of how they got around.

有一个小小的突出的脑袋,长长的手臂和腿以及突出的骨盆,根据描述古猿sediba很有可能是古猿Africanus和能人之间的过渡性物种。With a small, advanced brain, long arms, long legs and an advanced pelvis, Australopithecus sediba is described as probably a transitional species between Australopithecus Africanus and Homo habilis.