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你过去常常弹钢琴吗?。Did you uBe to play the piano?

2005年,UBE集团还建立了托德基金会。In 2005, UBE Group set up Tuode Foundation.

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顶头形状设计是压力穿孔机理论研究的重要内容。Some parameters of the piercing heads and piercing force are given by using UBE method.

宇部则专注于数码电池的电解液,其通过电解液添加剂来提升电池性能的技术备受业内关注。Ube has well-regarded technology that improves battery performance through additives mixed into the electrolyte.

菅直人出生于山口县宇部市的一个普通商人家庭。于1970年从东京工业大学毕业,是理工科的高才生。Born in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture as the son of a businessman, Kan graduated in 1970 from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

公司在金融、能源、化工等领域不断拓展业务,真正实现业务多元化。UBE is now expanding its businesses into many fields such as finance, energy and chemicals etc. so as to realize multiple operations.

2008年,在UBE集团公司的倡议下成立了城堡基金会,该基金会组织了“温德米尔湖环境保护”活动。In 2008, UBE Group called to establish Castle Foundation which successfully organized Windermere Lake Environmental Protection Activity.

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这名“连环闪客”已经在至少20名女学生面前曝露自己的隐私部位,为了将他抓捕归案,日本宇部警方实施了名为“易装者”的行动,选中了21岁的男警察。The 21-year-old officer, from Ube City, in Japan agreed to go undercover to catch the flasher, who had exposed himself to at least 20 schoolgirls.

今天,UBE与领先的金融和实业公司,美国国家政府机构和私人合作,提供全面的优质服务。Today, UBE group is now cooperating with some leading financing or industrial companies, USA state departments and individuals to provide comprehensive top quality services.

UBE树立了可靠和值得信赖的品牌信誉,多年以来,该品牌得到了多个市场协会和专业组织的证实。UBE group has successfully set up reliable and trustworthy brand reputation which has been certified by many market associations or professional organizations in recent years.

UBE是拥有百年历史的国际集团,分支机构遍布美国、英国、日本、德国、澳大利亚等多个国家,是全球多个领域有影响力的集团公司。UBE is an international group with over one hundred years of operation history, with its offices located in many countries including USA, Britain, Japan, Germany, Australia etc.

UBE或涉及客户交易的任何经纪商若丧失清偿能力或有违约行为,都可能导致头寸未经客户同意即被平仓或冲销。The insolvency or default of UBE Services, or that of any other brokers involved with your transaction, may lead to positions being liquidated or closed out without your consent.

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金砖朱古力,桂花糖年糕,上海汤圆,芋虾,芋片,腰果,花生糕,黑瓜子,炒米饼,笑口枣,莲子,贺年糖果。Goldkenn Chocolate, Suger Pudding, Shanghai Sweet Dumpling, Ube Floss, Taros Chips, Cashew Nut, Peanut Cake, Black Melon Seeds, Stir-Fry Taco, Lotus Root Seeds, Chocolate &Candies.