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皮前风险暴露并没有显着影响CIMT,颈动脉斑块,或CAC。PI exposure did not significantly affect CIMT, carotid plaque, or CAC.

在1989年,公司制定了长期的民品开发战略规划。At 1989, CAC has formulated the CPDS and implemented it for morn than ten years.

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公司1990年就制定了航空产品的发展长期规划。At 1990, CAC has formulated the APDS and implemented it for more than ten years.

在佛罗伦萨的CAC和在莫斯科的另外一个CAC是在欧洲运营的两个CAC。The CAC in Florence and the other in Moscow are the two CACs operating in Europe.

泰禾,是一个充满人情味的大家庭,但如果处处都讲人情,很多执行就会变成没有果实的花朵。CAC is full of human touch. While too much human touch may create trouble for execution.

希望最终将这些标准提交食典委,以获得全球的认可。The hope is to eventually propose these same standards to the CAC for global recognition.

在所有种族中早期冠心病家族史与冠脉钙化显著相关。Family history of premature CHD was significantly associated with CAC in all ethnic groups.

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开发了以氯乙酸为原料,用亚硫酰氯进行氯化反应,“一锅法”合成氯乙酰氯,并且提高了产品纯度和收率。CAC was synthesized by means of "one pot process" with chloroacetic acid and thionyl chloride in this paper.

这种磁极颠倒在418万年前曾发生过一次,CAC地区的沉积物中就留下了这次颠倒发生过的痕迹。One of these polarity flip-flops, known to have occurred 4.18 million years ago, left its mark in sediments in the CAC.

CAC方案中的资源预留是通过用户移动信息来确保资源有效利用。Resource reservation in the CAC scheme makes use of user mobility information to ensure efficient resource utilization.

伦敦金融时报100指数,法兰克福DAX指数和巴黎CAC-40指数在下午的交易中均下跌超过百分之五。London's FTSE 100 index, the DAX in Frankfurt and the CAC 40 in Paris were all down more than five percent in afternoon trading.

结论除了传统的粥样硬化危险因素外,冠状动脉迂曲程度是发生粥样硬化的独立危险因素,其长期预后通常是好的。Conclusion The degree of CAC is the independent risk factors for atherosclerosis. The prognosis of the patients with CAC seems good.

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食典委与国家政府合作,建立能够使生产者和消费者均能受益的全球统一的产品标准。The CAC works with national governments to establish uniform worldwide product standards that can benefit producers and consumers alike.

根据HAP的缔合特性要求,其驱油体系的有效浓度须高于缔合浓度,以保证足够的驱油能力。It is necessary to keep the effective concentration of HAP higher than the CAC for getting enough oil-displacement capacity in HAP flooding.

结果人胰岛素原基因的B10位组氨酸编码序列CAC突变为门冬氨酸编码序列GAC。Results The sequence of CAC coding for Histidine at B10 site of human proinsulin gene was mutated to the sequence of GAC coding for AsparticAcid.

对一个区域内的食品安全和质量标准进行协调可以促进区域间的贸易,而且使各国在食典委中发出更加有力和统一的声音。Harmonizing food safety and quality standards across a region improves intra-regional trade and gives countries a stronger, unified voice in the CAC.

上述分析可见,它们对遥感分类处理多时相影像识别算法的适用性选取有一定参考意义。In general speaking, for the remote sensing classification of Multi-temporal Images, OOC is the best, BPNN and SAM is better, MLC and CAC are the worst.

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伦敦金融时报指数上涨了百分之二点二五,巴黎CAC-40指数上扬百分之三,法兰克福股市DAX指数上涨了百分之二点五。London's Financial Times index was up two-and-a-quarter percent, the CAC 40 in Paris gained three percent, and the DAX in Frankfurt advanced 2.4 percent.

进一步分析发现,与基因型为AA的女性相比,携带至少一条C等位基因的女性,CAC经年龄调整后的OR值为4.29。Further analysis indicated that women with at least one copy of the C allele had an age-adjusted CAC odds ratio of 4.29 relative to those with the AA genotype.

一种灵活、通用、高精度、高效率的自动化生产设备——数控车床应运而生,随之而来的是数控车床编程技术的产生。The automation equipment-CAC lathe feature flexible, compatible, high precision and high efficiency has emerged, and then brought about the CAC lathe programming technology.