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一些亚硝胺能特异地引起动物食管癌。Some specific nitrosamines can cause animals to esophageal cancer.

进一步检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices.

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食管测压是建立诊断的关键考验。Esophageal manometry is the key test for establishing the diagnosis.

带囊导管扩张术治疗儿童良性食管狭窄。Balloon catheter dilation of benign esophageal steno sis in children.

出血性食管静脉曲张可能是肝硬化的首要表现。Bleeding esophageal varices may be the first manifestation of cirrhosis.

结论EVL是治疗食道静脉曲张出血的有效手段。Conclusion EVL is an effective means in treatment of esophageal varices.

RDQ在评估近端食管酸反流有一定临床意义。RDQ is a useful tool in the assessment of proximal esophageal acid reflux.

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其胸部电脑断层片也指出食道癌及心包膜腔积气。A chest computed tomography showed esophageal cancer with pneumopericardium.

食管癌在我国是常见的致死率非常高的恶性肿瘤。In china, esophageal cancer is a very common malignancy with high mortality.

门脉流量与食管静脉曲张严重程度相一致,并与曲张出血有关。The amount of portal blood flow paralleled the severity of esophageal varix.

在美国,吸烟是食管癌的主要元凶。Cigarette smoking is a major cause of esophageal cancer in the United States.

目的探讨腔内型食管癌的X线诊断。Objective To discuss the X-ray diagnosis of intraluminal esophageal carcinoma.

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卧位酸反流与食管黏膜损伤的发生及其严重程度有关。Supine reflux is in relation to the development and severity of esophageal injury.

方法分析46例高龄食管癌贲门癌患者住院临床资料。Methods 46case of elderly patients with esophageal and cardia cancer were analysed.

食管闭锁的典型临床表现为唾液不能下咽。Esophageal atresia's model clinical manifestation cannot deglutition for the saliva.

当癌与肉瘤并存时称癌肉瘤。In case esophageal carcinoma is associated with sarcoma, it is called carcinosarcoma.

有关FEN1在食管鳞癌中的研究至今未见报道。So far, no research on FEN1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas has been reported.

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下段食管癌可侵及心包、膈肌、贲门及肝脏左叶。Under esophageal carcinoma can invade and liver, diaphragm, liver and cardiac left lobe.

结论改良法是检出食管裂孔疝的较好方法。Conclusion The means of improvement is a better way to diagnose esophageal hiatus hernia.

货车的大小,宫底位置,大小和大型食管静脉曲张破裂出血的预测都是GV。GV size, fundal location, and large esophageal variceal size were predictive of GV bleed.