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没有垃圾邮件,也不骗局。No spam, nor scam.

既不冷也不热。Neither cold nor hot.

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没有五点,也没有老幺。Neither five nor one.

不论好坏。Neither good nor bad.

君与吾均未出席。You nor I was present.

我既没把钱借出也没欠债。I neither lend nor owe.

你自然也不会孤单。Nor would you be alone.

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利库德集团和哈马斯也不会。Nor are Likud and Hamas.

真是到那时,那也不用等待了。Nor does it have to wait.

那是不冷也不热。It's neither cold nor hot.

我也没有期待他会。Nor would I expect him to.

他不吃不喝。He neither eats nor drinks.

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既不冷也不热。It is neither hot nor cold.

也不跟随佛莱斯卡,亦不跟那只鸟仔“Nor Fresca. Nor that Gull."

阳光不升起,也不消翳。That doth not rise nor set.

它也不需要杀虫剂。Nor does it need pesticides.

难道没有替换的人?Nor have they been replaced.

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海枯石烂汝也难以找到。Nor in ocean wilt thou find.

它也不完全是圆形的。Nor is it entirely circular.

不太冷也不太热。Neither too cold nor too hot.