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竹蓝打水一场空。Draw water with a sieve.

竹篮子打水一场空。Draw water with a sieve.

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竹篮子吊水一场空。draw water with a sieve.

竹篮儿打水一场空。pour water into a sieve.

面粉和盐混合入盆。Sieve the flour and salt.

第一个筛子叫真实。The first sieve is Truth.

就像是一个装满水的漏勺。It is like a sieve full of water.

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你是竹篮打水一场空。You are drawing water with a sieve.

用干酪包布做一个大的滤网。Line a large sieve with cheesecloth.

筛入面粉、泡打粉及盐。Sieve flour , baking powder and salt.

滤一下酱汁,把硬块弄出来。Sieve the sauce to get the lumps out.

然后用筛子把豆腐过滤一下。Then filter the curd through a sieve.

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把番茄末放筲萁中过滤成番茄汁。Squeeze tomatoes through sieve into bowl.

她用漏杓把水控出去。She drained the water out through a sieve.

而且,我相信消息走漏得很快,就像过筛子一样。And I believe that it's leaking like a sieve.

到头来,竹篮打水一场空。Finally, it is like drawing water with a sieve.

用筛子把奇异果压成泥并把果泥滤进碗里。Mash the kiwi fruit through a sieve into a bowl.

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用漏勺轧土豆做成土豆泥。Push the potatoes through a sieve to make a puree.

用筛过滤糖粉、仁粉及可可粉中的粗粒。Sieve icing sugar, ground almond and cocoa powder.

他的日常工作是用力筛煤。His routine work is to rub the coal through a sieve.