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在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo.

获得一些观点或许能帮助你找回激情。Getting some perspective may help your libido return.

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力比多能够被转换及被替代,但是不会被毁灭。Libido can be transformed or displaced but not destroyed.

兴趣,注意力及欲望驱力,都是力比多的表达。Interest, attention and drive are all expressions of libido.

力比多是从情绪理论中借用来的一个语词。Libido is an expression taken from the theory of the emotions.

然而,根据核磁共振成像,我的性驱力出人意料的强。And yet, according to the MRI, my libido is surprisingly strong.

再次注入少量的睾丸激素能恢复力比多和肌肉。Resupplying limited testosterone restores libido and muscle mass.

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力比多的理论跟「对立法则」息息相关。The theory of libido is closely connected with the law of opposites.

假如连系到某个客体的力比多消失,它会在别的地方出现。If the libido attached to one object disappears, it reappears elsewhere.

投注在某个专案的力比多,根据它被重视的程度指示出来。The libido invested in a given item is indicated by how highly it is valued.

引导及激励人格的心灵精力被称为「力比多」。The psychic energy that directs and motivates the personality is called libido.

因为他们的身体里正汪洋着恣肆的荷尔蒙、力比多这样的激素。That's because there are incretions flowing in their bodies such as Hormone and Libido.

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天气的转暖,让我们情欲高涨的春潮到底是怎么回事呢?What is it about warmer weather, or "spring fever" that amps our libido into high gear?

弗洛伊德对力比多的发现,打开了性在无意识中的能量性质。Sigmund Freud's discover for Libido unclose the energy and quality of sex in unconsciousness.

目前,规模小一些的公司正在研发乳膏和鼻腔用喷剂以增强女性本能。Smaller companies are currently developing creams and nasal sprays to increase female libido.

生命力弥漫整个沙漠,没有器官的身体,在那里演出人生百态。The libido suffuses the entire desert, the body without organs on which the drama is played out.

他的观点是力比多是一种立场,他也承认是从Sorbent,Howard获得的这种观点。His idea is that the libido is a field of force, which he gets from Sorbent Howard, as he admits.

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脑岛的损伤会引起情感淡漠、欲望减少、无法辨别新鲜与变质的食品。Damage to the insula can lead to apathy, loss of libido and an inability to tell fresh food from rotten.

南萨福克公羊拥有强大的生命力,能为商业交配提供更多的时间。South Suffolk rams possess great libido and seem to last more years which is a great plus for the commercial breeder.

"化学阉割"又称"药物去势",指的是利用药物使男性丧失性冲动,目前在欧洲国家存有争议。Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce men's libido. Its use remains a subject for debate in Europe.