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羊是种温顺的动物。Sheep are pretty docile creatures.

而你就像一只温顺的小绵羊。And you just like a docile yeanling.

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他是个温顺且彬彬有礼的孩子。He is a docile and well-behaved child.

这幢房子面朝一泓平静的湖水。The house faces a docile body of water.

大众通常变得沉默温顺。Crowds generally become quiet and docile.

大熊猫的性情很温顺。Giant pandas have very docile temperaments.

使龙虎降服驯顺。Make dragon tiger surrender tame and docile.

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马戏团的猴子训练得服服贴贴的。Circus monkeys are trained to be very docile and obedient.

她的性情实际上相当平和,平和而温顺。Her temperament is in fact rather quiet, quiet and docile.

他看上去不错,中年,相貌老实可信。He looked all right – middle-aged, docile features, trustworthy.

我想百姓们觉得他们一旦变了顺民,那就表示他们被打败了。I think the people feel that they are beaten if they are docile.

那母狮子原是只凶猛的野兽,今天牠却这般温顺。As docile as she seems today, that lioness was once a ferocious beast.

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儒家,孔丘倡导了道德善良的崇高精神。Confucianism, the bore Qiu initiated the lofty spirit of morals docile.

而金正日也不会驯服地躺在中国的卵翼之下,尽管他儿子可能会这么做。Nor will Mr Kim nuzzle docile under China's wing, though his son might.

我有女人可爱的善良,有金子般真诚。I have a woman the docile of the amiability, have the gold sort the sincerity.

这种马温顺而强壮,一天能跑12至14英里。These horses were docile and strong, and could cover some 12 to 14 miles a day.

羊,一般被视为“奴隶”、“顺民”的代名词,鲁迅笔下的胡羊正是这类形象。The sheep is generally considered as "slave", a substitution of "docile people".

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对警卫来说,这些驯良的,机器人般的疯子和家畜一样不会带来多大的麻烦。These docile lunatic automatons are no more trouble to their guards than cattle.

一群移民正在缓缓走进布鲁克林这座有橡木板墙的法院,这是一群温顺的人。THE immigrants trickling into the maple-paneled Brooklyn courtroom were a docile group.

在这种融合的同时,致幻神经毒素能保持受害者顺从。Such immersion is accompanied by mind-altering neurotoxins which keep the victim docile.