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被踏平的路最为安全。The beaten road is the safest.

性爱是世界上最安全的镇定剂。Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world.

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夏季饮料最安全的就是水。Your safest route for summer drink is water.

手握兵器谈和平最安全。It is safest making peace with sword in hand.

和平时期手执剑,这样做来最保险。Peace with sword in hand, 'Tis safest making.

性爱是世界上最安全的镇定剂。Sex is the safest tranquillizer in the world.

而在夏秋季节最不易出现分手。Summer and fall look like the safest seasons.

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钱存入银行最保险。It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.

现在开始,什么是最安全的治愈方法?Now let's begin. What's the safest cure for floaters?

最安全的方式就是点头,并给予口头称呼。The safest form is to nod and give a verbal salutation.

我想银行是放钱最安全的地方。The bank is the safest place to keep your money, I guess.

但是现在投资这只想要最可靠的共同基金。But now investors want only the safest kind of mutual fund.

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最保险的赌注是,奥巴马将成为民主党提名人。The safest bet is that Obama will be the Democratic nominee.

人世间最安全的地方依然是信仰神。The safest place on earth is still in the centre of His will.

我们先从头开始,这么做比较保险。We just gotta start it up again, it's the safest thing to do.

在空难发生的时候,坐在飞机的什么位置最安全呢?And the safest place to sit on a plane in case of an accident?

金边证券被认为是最安全的投资方式之一。Gilt-edged securities are among the safest of all investments.

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十方的钱来的不容易,我这方法最笨,但最安全。My method is the dumbest and most tedious but it is also the safest"."

这些帐篷里面是可以进行全世界最安全的谈话的地方之一。They are one of the safest places in the world to have a conversation.

在盘式桥牌中,用最保险的打法完成定约是正确的。It 's correct to take the safest play for the contract AT rubber bridge.