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先生.只能代客停车.Valet parking only, sir.

可以.但是只能代客停车.Yes, but it`s valet parking only.

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仆人们应声在门廊下出现。The valet de chambre appeared on the door-steps.

在没有工作任务时协助代客泊车。Assist in valet parking when not assigned any duty.

店门前,放一块标志牌“代客泊车”。Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.

仆人趿着拖鞋蹒跚地沿着过道走开去了。The valet shambled down the passage in his slippers.

这位绅士有一个男仆照顾他的衣食住行。The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.

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当然可以,史密斯夫人,几分钟后地有一个洗衣人员上来。Certainly, Mrs. Smith. A valet will be up in a few minutes.

贴身男仆的活他干不了,就像他当不了证券经纪人,也走不了钢丝一样。He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker.

早先在日本从没听说过的代客泊车,如今也有了苗头…Valet parking, previously unheard of in Japan, has begun to make an appearance.

直到一天早晨,阿尔贝的贴身跟班唤醒他,回报波尚来访。One morning Albert was awakened by his valet de chambre , who announced Beauchamp.

无论是仆从钥匙或者ATM卡,从用户角度来看都是对OAuth很好的比喻。Both the valet key and ATM cards are good metaphors for OAuth from a user perspective.

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家庭私人医生,厨师,尼古拉的贴身男仆,亚利桑得拉的女仆德米多娃也在其中。The family's doctor, their cook, Nicholas's valet and Alexandra's maid Demidova came too.

如有需求则完成贴身管家服务,包括派送布草或处理洗衣预订等。Carry out valet services when required including delivery of linen processing laundry ders.

一些旅馆的客房女服务员还负责收取顾客的衣物送到洗衣房和…In some hotels, the chambermaids pick up and deliver clothing for laundry and valet service.

战时他很少患疾病,仅限于轻度的天花,而这个疾病却导致他的卫兵死亡?Or the rarity of his wartime illnesses, limited to a mild bout of smallpox which killed his valet?

我闭上眼睛想象着侍者为我们停车时周围的人们满眼都是敬畏之情——也许在丽兹酒店门口就会这样。I closed my eyes and imagined the awe that would surround us at valet parking7 – maybe at the Ritz8.

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“我是不能和大人说话的,”门房答道,“你的意思可以由贴身跟班代为转达。”"I never speak to his excellency, " replied the concièrge, "the valet de chambre will carry your message. "

同样,可以放在梳妆台或衣橱里的托盘或分隔式珠宝盒也不错。Also, a valet organizer is a tray or divider with compartments that can be placed on a dresser or in a closet.

据说,三明治伯爵在玩牌时让仆人将肉夹在两片面包中间,作为食物给他吃。It is said that he used to order his valet to bring him meat tucked between 2 pieces of bread when he was playing cards.