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用温柔的庄严。With tender majesty.

我们希望觐见女王陛下。We hope to see Her Majesty.

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陛下喜欢新衣服。Her Majesty loves new clothes.

耶稣是天堂的权威。Jesus was the majesty of heaven.

华太师居然敢得罪我们皇爷。Wah dares to offend Our Majesty.

服从乃是小臣的天职,陛下。I live but to obey, your majesty.

还不快快叩谢皇上。Quickly bow and thank His Majesty.

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伊利莎白女王陛下。Her Ggracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。The majesty of the skyscraper awed me.

这膏油描绘出了基督的尊贵。The oil speaks of the majesty of Christ.

女王威严地坐在王座上。The king was addressed as "Your Majesty".

我们凝望着雄伟的山脉。We gazed at the majesty of the mountains.

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我们皇爷要请他回去当参谋。Our Majesty wants him to be his consultant.

他们看到了高耸的山峰,气势雄伟壮丽。They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.

多年来,女王陛下已经有过三十只狗狗了。Over the years, Her Majesty has had 30 corgis.

我们恳求恳求陛下给予他特赦。We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty.

伊朗王特派遣我,他的孙子。His majesty the shah has sent me , his grandson..

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大王喜欢这种道术吗?Would Your Majesty like this kind of magical power?

禁欲乃是为了尊重欲望之庄严。Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite.

玥知荣为做善事被KK责备,支持荣。He was known to do good honor KK blame, support majesty.