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这是财政清廉的一个罕见的胜利。IT WAS a rare victory for fiscal rectitude.

勇敢,忠诚,无私,正直。A man of bravery, honesty, unselfishness and rectitude.

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但它让人感觉自己心灵正直,这个倒花不了多少钱,甚至不用成本。But it affords a feeling of spiritual rectitude at little or no cost.

在追忆往事时,唯一的盾牌是他的行为正直和诚实。The only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions.

他确信自己很正直,可以完美地扮演刚正不阿的人。Convinced of his own righteousness, he was the perfect impersonation of a man of rectitude.

他确信自己很正直,可以完美地扮演刚正不阿的人。Convinced of his own righteousness, he was the perfect impersonation of a man of rectitude.

过早地追求紧缩银根可能会毁掉经济复苏——这才是一个真正的危险。There is a real danger that the premature pursuit of fiscal rectitude may wreck the recovery.

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杰里扮演了正直的人那么久,这样的程序他无法面对。Having impersonated a man of rectitude for so long, this was a procedure jerry sould not face.

以前我确已把正直赏赐易卜拉欣,我原是深知他的。We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him.

对于婚外情,几乎在全部的国度都受法律限止和道德言论的严正申斥,被视为情意的禁区。For an affair, in all the kingdom almost limit by law and moral rectitude of speech reprimand, as the love the area.

消除数十年的不信任决非易事,但是我们有勇气、有正气、有决心向前迈进。I recognize it will be hard to overcome decades of mistrust, but we will proceed with courage, rectitude , and resolve.

索科尔那位知名的代理律师对该报告内容提出辩驳,称他的客户是“一名罕见的正直廉洁之人”。Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his client is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity."

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这对于一直在全世界面前以法律正直和遵守国际法而赢得全球钦佩的加拿大来说,无疑是一项侮辱。This is a disgrace for Canada, formerly admired around the globe for its legal rectitude and adherence to international law.

由于共和党因为呼唤回归财务清廉得分,美国公众情绪也被转移。The public mood in the US has also been shifting as the Republicans score points with calls for a return to fiscal rectitude.

什库尔特耶说“莫里森狗屁不通”,并强调如果他没有出于道义公正揭露那些事情,就能够工作到2008年。Mr Shkurtaj says "Morrison doesn't know shit" and insists he could have worked until 2008 if he had not spoken up for moral rectitude.

因此不论是个人生活抑或公共生活,都需要秉持一种言信行直的明智态度,除此之外别无他法。Hence there is no better provision for the uses of either private or public life, than a fair share of ordinary good sense guided by rectitude.

保守派喜欢将看重社会和谐与道德操守的儒家思想与强调个人权利的西方观念相比较。Conservatives like to contrast what they see as a Confucian stress on social harmony and moral rectitude with the West’s emphasis on individual rights.

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他失去了从事工作和朝着一个固定目标稳步前进的能力,但是他比任何时候都来得通达和正直。He had lost the faculty of working and of moving firmly towards any fixed goal, but he was endowed with more clear-sightedness and rectitude than ever.

奇恰戈夫面红耳赤地说,他想证明他所说的每一句话都是正确的,因而,他认为库图佐夫对他所说的话很关注。Every word he had uttered had been with the motive of proving his own rectitude , and so he imagined that Kutuzov too was preoccupied with the same desire.

本文认为“清远有礼”作为臣节是晋朝散骑常侍傅玄上疏朝廷要求树立的德目。The present article holds that rectitude and politeness are moral orders Fu Xuan proposed for the ministers of the Jin when they submit memoranda to the emperor.