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这么一来你可以睡得更酣些了。You'll sleep the sounder for it.

星载微波探测仪是嫦娥一号卫星有效载荷之一。Microwave Sounder is one of the main payloads of ChangE-1 lunar satellite.

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只有当美国金融业的经济基础更加稳定,美国的生活大街才能恢复秩序。Main Street will recover only when America’s finances are on a sounder footing.

这场危机终将过去,一个更强大的金融体系将伴随美国再度崛起。This crisis will pass and America will reemerge with a far sounder financial system.

回声测深仪在导航仪器中的地位在下降,其原因是它存在着较多的误差。The echo sounder is now gradually out of use in navigation, because it has many errors.

在海底地形测量中,由于波束角效应导致探测的海底地形存在失真。In bathymetric survey, the recorded seabed is distorted due to the beam-width of the echo sounder.

不过,里根先生也对外交路线做出一些更为坚定的承诺,这建立在他良好的顾问机构基础上。But Mr Reagan also holds out the promise of a firmer line abroad, based on a sounder structure of advice.

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在数据处理方面,测深仪输出的测深数据并不稳定,错误数据出现的概率较大。As in the data processing, the output of depth sounder is not stable, causing a high probability of error.

在海洋测深过程中,回声测深仪波束角效应使记录的测深图像失真。In bathymetric survey, the record seabed image is distorted due to the angular beam width of an echo sounder.

通过一托浅滩时,要一直测深校时水深及海面下多变的沙纹。When passing One Fathom Bank, check the depth and variable sand waves below the sea level all the time by echo sounder.

在海上地震勘探作业中,常用测深仪来了解勘探区域内的海底变化。In marine seismic exploration, the sounder is commonly used for knowing the variation of sea bottom in prospecting area.

激光海洋测深仪是一种快速便宜的海深勘测系统,对绘制沿海区域海图有重大意义。Laser sounder bathymetric system is of great importance to be capable of charting coastal bathymetry rapidly and cheaply.

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他强调说,“过去五年的增长业绩是建立在更健康的财政和货币政策基础上的。He stressed that “the growth performance of the last five years has been underpinned by sounder fiscal and monetary policies.

本论文针对某便携式测深仪的需要,设计开发了一种多通道的数据采集和处理系统。A multi-channel data acquirement and process system was developed to meet the need of the portable echo sounder in the dissertation.

随着我国改革的深化,国内电信业的市场环境已渐趋合力,且日益竞争激烈。As the reform deepened, the environment of domestic telecom industry is much sounder and the competition is much intenser gradually.

论文在多波束测深技术基础上,对多波束测深系统的导航技术进行了研究。Based on the multibeam echo sounder survey technologies, this thesis studied the navigation techniques related to multibeam surveying.

根据这份报告,今年以来我们在医疗保险系统所采取的一系列改革措施使得医疗保险获得了更加坚实的财政基础。According to this report, the steps we took this year to reform the health care system have put Medicare on a sounder financial footing.

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监控点要完成对测深仪中水深数据的采集工作,水深数据经过编码之后送AIS发射出去。The water depth data from echo sounder should be collected in supervision points, the water depth data is launched out by AIS after coding.

然而当一切恢复稳定之后,我们需要更多的措施使经济,尤其是银行部门有更稳定的根基。But while stability has returned, much more needs to be done to put economies, and particularly their banking sectors, on a sounder footing.

机载激光海洋测深系统对快速而便宜地绘制沿海海图和探测潜艇有重要意义。An airborne laser sounder bathymetric system is of great importance to chart coastal bathymetry rapidly and cheaply and to detect submarines.