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但是,此次他作为电影明星登场,我准备好了吗?But was I ready for Ricky Gervais the movie star?

格维斯是个喜剧演员,演员兼制片人。以上仅代表他个人观点。Gervais is a comedian, actor and producer. The views expressed are his own.

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热尔韦低声地吃吃地笑,斯佩兰斯基发出清晰而含蓄的笑声。Gervais softly hissed a chuckle, and Speransky laughed his shrill, staccato laugh.

瑞奇-热尔维是为数不多的骄傲承认还在看电视的电视明星之一,美联社的弗雷泽-摩尔说。Ricky Gervais is one of the few TV stars who proudly admits watching TV, says the AP's Frazier Moore.

英国喜剧明星瑞奇贾维斯将在洛杉矶的比弗利山希尔顿酒店主持本次颁奖活动。Britain's Ricky Gervais will present the event, to be held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.

不过,热尔韦说,欧洲现在还没有做到这一点。他怀疑萨科齐这次访美能够在这方面有所作为。But Gervais says this hasn't yet happened. And he doubts Mr. Sarkozy's visit to Washington will make much of a difference.

吁——吉普森也接着话幽默了一番,但我们可以保证,晚会之后他管杰维斯叫“小奶头”。To his credit, Gibson took the barb with good humour, but we’resure he’ll be calling Gervais “sugar tits” at the after party.

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郎斯的主席杰维斯·马特尔说他会在他力所能及的范围内用尽全力去保卫他的俱乐部和法国足球的利益。Lens President Gervais Martel said he will do all that is in his power to protect the rights of his club and of all French football.

在我家里壁炉的灰里,你们可以找到一个值四十个苏的银币,那是七年前我抢了小瑞尔威的。You will find at my house, among the ashes in the fireplace, the forty-sou piece which I stole, seven years ago, from little Gervais.

观众或许不该期待他们像瑞奇·热维斯在今年金球奖上那样,在面对众多名人观众时也能大讲笑话。Viewers should not expect them to deliver in-jokes aimed at the celebrity audience, as Ricky Gervais did at this year's Golden Globes.

读者已经知道冉阿让从小瑞尔威那次事件发生后的情形,除此以外,我们要补述的事已经不多。We have but little to add to what the reader already knows of what had happened to Jean Valjean after the adventure with Little Gervais.

图书销售商协会旨在表彰对图书销售贡献最大的作家,喜剧演员里奇·格威斯在布赖顿举行的颁奖典礼上祝词。The association honours authors who make the biggest impact on their business, and comedian Ricky Gervais spoke at the Brighton ceremony.

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根据英国广播公司消息,法国工程师已经开始为勃朗峰圣热瓦山谷一处冰川下的暗湖“放水”,以消除洪水威胁。French engineers have begun to drain a hidden lake under a glacier on Mont Blanc that threatens to flood the Saint Gervais valley, the BBC reported.

“科尔伯特做的事情有趣之处,”格威斯在采访中说,“同样也是勇敢和让人困惑之处在于,他一直在用自己的真名。”"What's interesting about what Colbert is doing, " Mr. Gervais said in an interview, "what's brave and possibly confusing about it, is that he's always used his own name.