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米丽需要一本自己的字典。Mille needs a dictionary of her own.

我有意大利航空的金卡。Here is my gold card of mille miglia alitalia.

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在新千年中,只有身强体壮的女孩儿才可去试一试。In the new mille ium, big girls only need a ly.

在民族国家发展的历史上,加里波第和他的千人军书写了最富有戏剧性的篇章。And no episode was more dramatic than that of Garibaldi and his mille.

我们到了公园,我可以弯下腰,让自己忙着把米莉弄出婴儿车。We're at the park now so I am able to bend down and busy myself letting Mille out of her buggy.

也有人大胆参加勒芒24小时赛或意大利的一千英里赛,因为在那里有着更好的赛事组织。Some might venture down to the 24 Heures of Le Mans or Italy’s Mille Miglia, where the continentals were better organised.

我参加了一个私人赞助商的仪式,他是在日本城市高松非常有声望的手表制造商。I attended a function for a personal sponsor, Richard Mille who are a prestigious watch manufacturer in a town called Takamatsu.

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罗宾斯、巴兰钦、德米尔、艾利、费尔德和格雷厄姆是最有名的舞蹈设计家。Jerome robbins george balanchine agnes de mille alvin alley eliot feld and martha graham are among the best known choreographers.

当他正稍事休整树立报纸和图书馆的搜集资料时,他知道了那场飓风和爱玛米莉去路易斯安那的旅途。He learned about the hurricane and Emma Mille on trips to Louisiana, when he would take breaks to comb newspaper archives and library collections.

许多人对新千年很乐观,认为这是一个机会让我们的世界发生一些变化,你是否同意这种说法,你希望看到世界有何变化?Some people think that the new Mille ium is the o ortunity while others think it is danger. What do you think about it and what do you expect to ha en in the new Mille ium.

同时分析还得出,三交种中硒元素主要集中在精米中,因此食用精米就可以起到补充硒元素的作用,改变了食用糙米口感不适的缺点。Also analysis indicant that microelement of Se get together in milled rice, so people will be supplied microelement of Se only eating mille rice, changing the feel disadvantage in edible brown rice.