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价格是按游戏通货计算的。The price is set in scrip.

我们的老师马克,给了我们一个纸条。And our teacher Mark, He give me a scrip.

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导演黄建新也对这个剧本作了改进。Director Huang Jianxin also revised the scrip.

嗯,我有一些商店购物券想拿来用。Well, I have some store scrip I would like to use.

洁回写纸条时,却闻到一股尿臊味。Jie can smell the emiction when she write the scrip.

实际上,这类票据就是一种原始的货币。Scrip of this kind becomes, in effect, a proto-currency.

订单驱动市场是由初级股票持有人创造的。Order-driven market is created by the primary scrip holders.

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当现金稀缺时,商人们会乐于接受这类临时性凭据。When cash is scarce, such scrip is readily accepted by tradesmen.

昨天老师让每个人写的愿望纸条让我更觉卑微。The dream scrip which teacher let us write yesterday made me feel lowliness more.

所有代劳费退费及礼卷订金退费均改以礼卷代替支票发放。All service refund and scrip deposit refund will be in scrip coupons instead of check.

作为按比例资本收益的一部分,股票持有者将获得现金或股息凭证。The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a prorata return of capital to shareholders.

报价驱动市场是由初级股票持有人和第三方交易商创造的。Quote-driven market is created by primary scrip holders and by third-party dealers in scrip.

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帐号系统可以按照一定的兑换率将游戏通货兑换成真实的货币。The accounts system recognizes scrip as a currency with a given translation into real dollars.

上述收费亦适用于将您本人名下股票分拆时的登记过户费。The scrip fee at the same rate also applies to splitting of share certificates under your own name.

它实际上是将虚拟物品从一个玩家转移给另一个玩家,是一种同时发生的通货交换。This is actually the moving of an item from one gamer to another and a simultaneous exchange of scrip.

阿根廷盯住美元货币机制崩溃之前,布宜诺斯艾利斯省发行的临时凭证自由流通了数月。Scrip issued by the province of Buenos Aires circulated freely months before Argentina’s dollar peg broke.

但是,还要考虑游戏内帐号和外部目录之间的通货转移However, you still have to account for the transfer of scrip from the in-game account to the external directory

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方块白文的书写符号系统与汉字俗字有很密切的关系。There are very close relations between the writing symbol system of the old Bai scrip and Chinese Variant characters.

他可以随时在游戏通货和美元之间进行兑换,在帐号中存入更多美元以兑换通货,或者相反。He can also transfer amounts between scrip and dollars at will, add dollars to his account to get more scrip, and vice versa.

他也可以将通货换成美元,也就是将游戏内的通货转移到玩家的外部帐号中。He can also request an exchange from scrip to dollars which causes a transfer of the scrip from the game to the gamer's account.