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我该保释她出狱吗?Shall I bail her out?

他的朋友为他作保释人。His friend went bail for him.

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犯人获准交保释放。The criminal was granted bail.

我们必须赶快将水汲出去。We must bail water out quickly.

她为嫌疑犯作保。She posted bail for the suspect.

她是惟一一个准予保释的嫌疑人。She was the only one granted bail.

这种宴会无聊,我可要溜了!This party is boring.Let's bail it!

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他是经保释才得以出来的,正等待案件审判。He's out on bail and awaiting trial.

我可不想在这种鬼天气里跳伞。I'd hate to bail out in this snowstorm.

你丢了书包,为什么让我替你承担后果?You lost it, why should I bail you out?

我希望有人会帮助我摆脱困境。I hope someone will bail me out of this.

我急坏了,一路冲到局子里要保释他出来。In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out.

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为什么政府会把高殇保救出来呢?Why would the government bail Gotham out?

他缴了五千元保释出他儿子。He paid 5,000 dollars in bail for his son.

嫌疑犯在交保后逃出了本州。The suspect jumped bail and left the state.

我们闯祸了,我说咱们开溜吧。We have got into trouble here, I say we bail.

所有被拘捕的人都交保释放,没有受到指控。All have been released on bail without charge.

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这批盗贼被保释后不期出庭接受审判,却逃到南美洲去了。He repudiated the court's decision to offer bail.

她的丈夫有在几个月内交保释放。Her husband could be freed on bail within months.

被控指邪术之保释人诉状。Petition for bail from accused witches, ca. 1692.